In this project we are going to design aSimple Time Delay Circuit Using 555 Timer IC. This circuit consists of 2 switches one for start the delay time and other for reset. It also has apotentiometer to adjust the time delay, where you can increase of decrease the time delay by just rot...
The 555 timer IC was introduced in the year 1970 by Signetic Corporation and gave the nameSE/NE 555 timer. It is basically a monolithic timing circuit that produces accurate and highly stable time delays or oscillation. When compared to the applications of an op-amp in the same areas, the...
The 555 timer IC is one of the most versatile chips ever produced. It was introduced by Signetics (now a part of ON Semiconductor) in 1972. It is widely used in many applications in the world of digital pulse generation. The 555 timer IC can be configured in Monostable Mode, Astable Mod...
Using 555 timer IC, we can generate precise time duration of HIGH and LOW output, from micro seconds to hours, that’s why 555 is very popular and versatile IC. Before going through below, you should know about555 timer ICand its PINs, here is the short description about its PINs. Pin...
This simple IC 555 timer tester not only tests IC 555 in all of its basic configurations but also tests the functionality of each pin of the timer...
A square wave oscillator using 555 IC can be configured to give symmetric oscillation (50% duty cycle). Other circuit uses diodes to split the charging and the discharging paths through different resistors, but here we need no such diodes. Here is the schematic diagram: ...
LED Flasher Using 555 IC This LED flasher give similar circuit with the previoustransistor LED flasher, but this circuit use a 555 integrated circuit chip as the active component. Here is the schematic diagram of the LED flasher circuit:
circuit diagram of moving message display using 555 timer and cd4017 icic circuit
In this project guide we’re building PWM Motor Speed Control circuit using two digital IC’s. We’ve published different types of PWM circuits, say from the basic PWM using NE 555 IC, to the much advanced PWM using micro controllers likeAVR,8051, andArduino boards. ...
drive multivibrator NE555 (IC1). The output of IC1 is connected to npn transistor T3, which drives the loudspeaker (LS1) to generate sound. The frequency of IC1 depends on the values of resistors R5 and R6 and capacitor C2. To prevent the thermistor from melting, wrap it up in mica ...