It continuously transports oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the body to support the proper function of organs and tissues. The heart pumps around 5 to 6 quarts of blood each minute, totaling approximately 2000 gallons every day. Where is your heart located? The heart is located between...
Draw the blood flow through the heart according to either systemic or pulmonary circulation. Trace the flow of current through the heart. How does the blood flow through the heart? The flow of blood through the heart and around the body is called what? Blood flows from the right ventricle ...
The human immune system is composed of a distributed network of cells circulating throughout the body, which must dynamically form physical associations and communicate using interactions between their cell-surface proteomes1. Despite their therapeutic p
The vulva contains sensitive nerve endings that, when stimulated, can lead to increased blood flow and lubrication of the vaginal canal (also known as getting wet) this is a key sign of female sexual arousal. Menstruation The vaginal opening, located on the vulva, is where blood flows from...
The artwork of Joseph Beuys was provocative in his time. Although he was very successful on the international art scene and on the art market, the larger public is still bewildered by his Fat Chair or his installations and his performances. The article s
of precious artifacts. The artist stakes wasted years, income, or reputation on her craft, and usually some literal blood, sweat, and tears. The audience is implicated, irritated, offended, shocked, disoriented, disgusted, bored, entrapped, and perhaps even trolled. The absurdity chafes at our ...
In humans, cells such as red blood corpuscles don't have these tiny organelles, but most other cells have large numbers of mitochondria. Muscle cells, for example, may have hundreds or even thousands to satisfy their energy requirements. ...
and excess amounts of other substances from the blood; the latter substances are excreted in the urine, which passes from the kidneys to the bladder by way of two thin muscular tubes called the ureters. The bladder is a sac that holds the urine until it is eliminated through the urethra....
Skin also has a major role incontrolling body temperatureby increasing or decreasing the blood flow through the cutaneous circulation, which in turn affects the magnitude of heat loss. Sweating also assists this process. The skin is also a majorsensory organ, containing a large number of nerve ...
External anal sphincter 2 flattened muscular planes encircle the anus and meet in front to insert into the perineal body. Pelvic diaphragm Levator ani group: puborectalis , pubococcygeus , and iliococcygeus Puborectalis : body of the pubis (passes around the lower rectum ) Puborectalis :...