A poorly crystallized oxyhydroxysulfate of iron formed by bacterial oxidation of iron(II) in acid mine waters Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 54 (1990), pp. 2743-2758 Google Scholar [5] F. Bocher, A. Géhin, C. Ruby, J. Ghanbaja, M. Abdelmoula, J.-M.R. Génin Coprecipitation of Fe(II...
Self-thinning line and B-point line of the yield-density diagram in a young birch standOAK DECLINEBACTERIAL MICROFLORAICE-NUCLEATIONACTIVE BACTERIAA young birch (Betula ermanii) stand was monitored every year for 10 years from 1982 to 1991 for tree diameter, height, and volume, in Hokkaido, ...