6. Blood Vessels: Arteries and veins supply and drain the pelvic organs. 7. Innervation: Nerves from the lumbosacral trunk, lumbar plexus, sacral plexus, and coccygeal plexus innervate the pelvis. ## In Summary The abdomen and pelvis form an intricate network of organs, each contributing to ou...
Veins carry deoxygenated blood to heart (except pulmonary vein which carry oxygenated blood). Veins are also composed of outer tunica externa, middle tunica media and inner tunica interna. The walls of veins are thin, less muscular and non- elastic. Veins have valves in their ...
Spermatic cordSpermatic CordEither of a pair of tubular structures formed by ductus deferens; arteries; veins; lymphatic vessels; and nerves. The spermatic cord extends from the deep inguinal ring through the inguinal canal to the testis in the scrotum.Testicles: Anatomy ...
Both males and females have breasts. The structure of the male breast is nearly identical to that of the female breast, except that the male breast tissue lacks the specialized lobules, as there is no physiologic need for milk production by the male breast. Abnormal enlargement of themale brea...