Arm Bones Diagram Image The human arm is divided into two main sections: the forearm and the arm itself. The forearm is the section located between the elbow and the wrist, while the arm represents the section from the shoulder to the elbow. The main bone of the upper arm is the humerus...
Identify the labeled bones in the diagram. Skull Bones: There are four main bones that will make up the human skull which encases the brain. They are the frontal bone, the R/L temporal bones, the R/L parietal bones, and the occipital bone. Answer and Explanation:1 From top to bottom,...
A foot pain diagram is a great tool to help you work out what is causing your ankle and foot pain. There are a whole range of structures e.g. bones, muscles, tendons and nerves which will each give slightly different foot pain symptoms....
Fibrous Joint Allows virtually no movement (Sutures of skull) Cartilaginous Joint Allows limited movement (intervetebral) Synovial Joint Allows considerable movement (elbows/knees) Uniaxial Hinge, rotate around one axis (elbow) Biaxial Operate in two perpendicular planes (ankle/wrist) Multiaxial Allow ...