In a hierarchical structure diagram of a sentence ,the forms at the word-level are___of the sentence ;the forms at the word-level and the phrase-level are the___of the sentence ;the constituents connected by the two lines that are branching from the same point are called the___of the...
In a hierarchical structure diagram of a sentence, ___ are the ultimate constituents of the sentence. ( ) A. the forms which are always present on the right side of a phrase structure rule B. the forms at the word-level C. the forms at the word-level and the phrase-level D. the ...
Diagramming a sentence is defined as visually positioning the components of a sentence and different parts of speech in order to plan the best way to construct the phrasing. Overview of Diagramming a Sentence A sentence contains at least one independent clause and conveys an idea. The constructio...
Diagramming is like putting together a puzzle where the words of the sentence are the pieces. There is a place for every word on the diagram, and just like a puzzle, each word only fits correctly in its own place. Each part of speech has a specific place on the diagram. ...
Diagramming a sentence is a great exercise to gain a deeper understanding of its grammatical structure. A sentence diagram is a visual representation of a sentence’s structure and its words’ functions. When doing this exercise, you put each word in its respective place within the diagram, whi...
the diagram as a generator is a mediation between a palpable object, a real building, and what can becalled architecture's interiority. Clearly this generative role is different from the diagram in other discourses, such as in the parsing of a sentence or a mathematical or scientific equation,...
The meaning of DIAGRAM is a graphic design that explains rather than represents; especially : a drawing that shows arrangement and relations (as of parts). How to use diagram in a sentence.
Michelle Mark
diagram sentence 英语写作 课件 DIAGRAMMINGSENTENCES Diagrammingsentencesprovidesawayofpicturingthestructureofasentence.Byplacingthevariouspartsofasentenceinrelationtothebasicsubject-verbrelationship,wecanseehowthepartsfittogetherandhowthemeaningofasentencebranchesout,justasthebranchesofaplantramifyfromthesteminspaceand...
Sentence diagramming is a visual representation of the structure of a sentence. It helps to show the relationship between the different parts of a sentence, such as the subject, verb, object, and other modifiers. When it comes to special questions, sentence diagramming can be especially useful...