No_0438_Find All Anagrams in a String No_0441_Arrangeing Coins No_0443_String Compression No_0445_Add Two Numbers II No_0447_Number of Boomerangs No_0448_Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array No_0449_Serialize and Deserialize BST No_0450_Delete Node in a BST No_0451...
boomerangsWe study the effect of flexibility and bend angle on systems of hard semiflexible boomerangs. These are modelled as two rodlike segments joined at one end with an angle that can fluctuate about a preferred angle. We use a second-virial theory for semiflexible chains with two ...
The influence of these processes is clear on the scatter plot: where sodium/(calcium + sodium) ratios (x-axis) are plotted against total dissolved solids (salinity) on the y-axis (Fig. 1A). The pattern of world surface water bodies forms a boomerang-shaped cloud on the figure. Rivers ...