现在来介绍两款开源的diagram-as-code利器 Plantuml 简介 PlantUML是基于Java实现的,2009发布的第一版发布,发展至今已经非常成熟,被集成工具众多(IDE集成、版本控制系统集成、Documentation and Wiki Tools、CI/CD、浏览器扩展、云平台、Docker等等),为用户提供了灵活性和易用性。 安装使用 支持本地安装包括应用程序与...
Diagram-As-Code 强烈推荐使用代码(纯文本语言)来绘制UML,使用工具(IDE、浏览器等等)进行可视化呈现与交互。 好处是显而易见的,比起UI工具绘图,通过纯文本语言绘制UML即代码图表定义,效率更高,并且可以实现源代码级别上的UML的版本控制与审计。 现在来介绍两款开源的diagram-as-code利器 ...
UML is a complex modeling language, but emerging tools like PlantUML make it straightforward to use. PlantUML is a diagram-as-code tool. You provide a few lines of text as input and PlantUML provides an image as output. The LLM can’t render a UML diagram as an imag...
Diagrams lets you draw the cloud system architecture in Python code. It was born for prototyping a new system architecture without any design tools. You can also describe or visualize the existing system architecture as well. Diagram as Code allows you to track the architecture diagram changes in...
ASCII Diag is a tool that allows you to easily draw beautiful ASCII diagrams in the browser and render them as SVGs diagramascii-diagramdiagramssvgs UpdatedJan 7, 2023 TypeScript ASCII diagrams to pictures converter markdowndocumentationdiagramasciidocumentation-toolditaaascii-diagram ...
The Diagram as Code tool allows you to create an architecture diagram of your infrastructure using a Python script. You can reuse code, test, integrate, and …
Lucidchart just got even better! We’re excited to announce diagram as code, our latest intelligent diagramming feature.
Use plantillas de Unified Modeling Language (UML) en Visio para esbozar modelos de bases de datos y software orientado a objetos, incluyendo diagramas Clase, Secuencia, Caso de uso, Actividad y Estado.
To efficiently create the UML diagram, it is better to start from the UML diagram examples. On this page we will present some UML diagram examples for proper understanding of this technique.