The meaning of DIAGRAM is a graphic design that explains rather than represents; especially : a drawing that shows arrangement and relations (as of parts). How to use diagram in a sentence.
Here's the scoop: Diagramming sentencesmakes it easy to see how the parts of a sentence are related, and creating each diagram is like solving a little puzzle. When you understand sentence diagramming, you feel more confident about your grammar, and it will positively affect your speaking, w...
The meaning of DIAGRAM is a graphic design that explains rather than represents; especially : a drawing that shows arrangement and relations (as of parts). How to use diagram in a sentence.
Howdy! Let's look at how the online sentence diagramming tool Let's Diagram can help you diagram sentences online. I'll focus on how this tool can help teachers enhance their teaching and make sentence diagramming homework more organized. Here's a brief rundown of what we're covering ...
Sentence Diagramming: Gerund Phrase 1 This video features the diagramming of a gerund phrase. Sentence Diagramming: Gerund Phrase 2 This video features the diagramming of a gerund phrase.
In this lesson, you will learn how to diagram a simple sentence. You'll also see how diagramming sentences can help us become better writers by...
tr.v.di·a·grammed,di·a·gram·ming,di·a·gramsordi·a·gramedordi·a·gram·ing To indicate or represent by or as if by a diagram. [Latindiagramma,figure, from Greek,a figure worked out by lines, plan, fromdiagraphein,to mark out, delineate:dia-,dia-+graphein,to write; seege...
Sentence diagramming: no unanimity among users In my own youth, many years after 1877, diagramming was still serious business. Sister Bernadette's barking dog is one of dozens of vendors nationwide that specialize in writing diagramming software used by risk managers. Controlling losses--in 3-D...
A sentence contains an independent clause and conveys an idea. The construction of a sentence involves many components. Some of these below are part ofallsentences, while some are used sometimes. Subject:The core of the sentence, it is the person or thing doing some activity or being described...
Sentence Diagrams by Eugene R. Moutoux ~ One Way of Learning English Grammar ~ The Anatomy of a Sentence Can you diagram this 100-word sentence? Every year on the afternoon of December 24, you, a Christmas procrastinator, loaded down with sacks and boxes, walk from store to store, down ...