In section 3.0, they all modified the subjects. In this section, they will also modify theobject of the prepositionof another prepositional phrase. Cool! Directions:You already know how to diagram these! Just make sure to put the phrase under the word that it modifies! 1. The hairy dog sa...
Tashonda does her best workearlyduring the semester. 33. Prepositional phrase as subjective complement 介词短语作主语补足语 She feltunder the weather. 34.Participle分词 Thecrumblingbridge must be repaired. 35.. Participial phrase分词短语 The screaming crowd watched the bridge falling into the river. ...
For aprepositional phraselikein the morning, draw a small horizontal line under the word it modifies and connect it with a diagonal line. In this case,in the morningrefers to the time that the action took place, so the horizontal line would go under the verbbrought. Then write the preposit...
Prepositions are always found in prepositional phrases (a preposition + an object of the preposition). The whole phrase acts as either an adjective or an adverb. The preposition itself is diagrammed on a diagonal line coming from the word the phrase is modifying. Learn more about diagrammin...
Anatomy of a Sentence Diagramming a 100-Word Sentence Step by Step 1 long diagram . . . and 15 steps to get there You will see how to diagram subjects, verbs, attributive adjectives, predicate adjectives, adverbs, direct objects, indirect objects, prepositional phrases, coordinating conjunctions...
A phrase should be labeled appropriately: “S” represents the sentence, “NP” describes noun phrases, “VP” means verb phrases, “CP” defines clausal words, and “PP” represents prepositional phrases. 3. Add images and icons To make your tree diagram more visually appealing, add images ...
prepositionabyphraseisdiagrammedlikeanyother prepositionalphrase,thatis,theheadprepositionbyisgiven onaslantedlineconnectedtothepredicateonthemain horizontallineandtheslantedlineconnectstoahorizontalline parallelwiththemainhorizontallineonwhichistheheadof theNPthatcorrespondstotheagentintheactive. slide7:howbyphrases...
On a diagram adjectives are placed on a diagonal line under the word, words, or phrases they modify or describe. Step 6: Adverbs & Adjectives Diagram Structure: subject verb direct object indirect object Step 7: Prepositional Phrases Describe words they follow. Diagram Structure: subject verb dir...
(3) Prepositional phrase, adverbial noun: 20 sentences. (4) Object - direct, indirect: 20 sentences. (5) Linking verb: 20 sentences. (6) Co-ordinating conjunction: 12 sentences. (7) Challenge puzzles: 10 sentences. In addition, there are further puzzles for purchase within the app in the...
Three Other Parte of Speech A. Adjective B. Adverb C. Preposition, Prepositional Phrases IV. Some Other Uses of the Noun and Pronoun A. Appoeltlve B. Possessive Modifier C. Predicate Noun or Pronoun Predicate Adjective V. First Review VI. Other Usee of the Noun and Pronoun A. Noun in ...