HypotensionCerebrovascular DisordersCerebral HemorrhageAnticoagulantsToxicologyData on the postembryonic development, longevity, ageing and rejuvenation of planarians are reviewed. From the available information, including the results of their own experiments, the authors conclude that planarians display a pattern...
cardiac conduction, side effects of medication) Decreased peripheral pulses; decreased urinary output; cool, clammy skin; tachypnea; dyspnea; edema; altered level of consciousness; abnormal heart sounds; crackles in lungs; decreased activity tolerance; weight...
In addition, they determined the cost per test affecting diagnosis and management for commonly performed laboratory and radiographic tests. According to their calculations, the finding of postural hypotension had the greatest diagnostic yield, contributing to the diagnosis 26% of the time. Also high ...
Valid indications for autonomic testing include generalized autonomic failure, regional or selective system syndromes of autonomic impairment, peripheral autonomic neuropathy and ganglionopathy, small fiber neuropathy, orthostatic hypotension, orthostatic intolerance, syncope, neurodegenerative disorders, autonomic ...
Comparison of RF approach to other proposed diagnostic tests Previously proposed markers for the differentiation of non-infectious SIRS and sepsis such as CRP (AUC = 0.57; 95% CI: 0.47–0.68), IL-6 (AUC = 0.63; 95% CI: 0.52–0.74) and PCT (AUC = 0.55; 95% CI: 0.34–...
Blood cultures are one of the most important tests performed in clinical microbiology laboratories [31]. Blood samples were routinely taken for culture when pediatric tumor patients are febrile and cultured using a BD BACTEC™ FX automated culturing system (Becton, Dickinson and Company, New Jersey...
Symptoms: Symptoms of hemoconcentration include decreased pulse pressure and volume, loss of skin turgor, dry mucous membranes, headaches, hepatomegaly, low central venous pressure, orthostatic hypotension, pruritus (especially after a hot bath), splenom...
Thus, this specific marker could potentially be used for iden- tifying life-threatening infection in preterm VLBW infants. In view of the high morbidity and mortality associated with late-onset nosocomial infection in VLBW infants (1, 2), a diagnostic test or a panel of tests with high ...
being its rapid gene expression the underlying mechanism that stimulates its secretion [102]. Biological actions of these cardiac hypertrophic markers are mediated through specific membrane-bound receptors coupled to cGMP signaling. Both ANP and BNP promote diuresis, natriuresis, hypotension and smooth mus...
Orthostatic syncope occurs when the autonomic sympathetic vasomotor system is incapacitated and fails to respond to challenges imposed by the upright position causing hypotension. As Andresen D. pointed out, it is diagnosed when there is documentation of orthostatic hypotension associated with total loss ...