Diagnostic tests are approaches used in clinical practice to identify with high accuracy the disease of a particular patient and thus to provide early and proper treatment. Reporting high-quality results of diagnostic tests, for both basic and advanced methods, is solely the responsibility of the au...
the largest artery in your body. Most aortic aneurysms produce no symptoms. Symptoms that can be present (often once the aneurysm is quite large) are chest, back, or abdominal pain or a pulsating feeling in the upper abdomen.
She was diagnosed as a case of atrial septal aneurysm with inlying thrombus at a peripheral medical center, and treated with oral anti-coagulation. Her physical examination revealed a short systolic murmur in the left paratsernal area. The blood tests and electrocardiogram did not reveal any ...
Chest x-ray; look for bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy(BHL) Abnormal liver enzyme tests (any two of alkaline phosphatase, ASAT. ALAT, LDH orγ-GT) Chest CT scan in patients with negative chest x-ray New ClassificationCriteria for Sjo¨gren’s Syndrome by American College of Rheumatology The cla...
Most screening tests in populations with a low prevalence of disease have a very high ratio of false positive results to true positive results, which can also be illustrated by contingency tables. 展开 关键词: diagnosis screening bayes rule ...
If, for example, aortic dissection was wrongly diagnosed as myocardial infarction, the diagnosis was counted as false negative (missed aortic dissection) and as false positive (myocardial infarction not present). Diagnostic tests (except blood tests and micro- biological investigations) were separated ...
Thus, within-category miss rates for “Other” diseases represent means from the top 5 conditions. These means considered disease incidence (e.g. myocardial infarction had proportionally more impact on the final mean than aortic aneurysm and dissection, because there are many more incident...
The Bayesian approach to disease diagnosis in the emergency department is facilitated by the use of likelihood ratios (LRs) to evaluate diagnostic tests. The use of dichotomous, interval, and joint LRs for single and multiple tests is reviewed, and comparison is made to regression modeling. The ...
We found a low yield for inpatient Holter monitoring, serum/urine toxicology, and vasculitis panel tests. Hypercoagulable panel results at admission were positive in 30 patients, 17 of whom had transient hypercoagulable states; the rest had persistent abnormalities or inherited mutations. Conceivably...
Brain stem compression by a giant vertebrobasilar aneurysm mimicking seronegative myasthenia A patient is described with a vertebrobasilar aneurysm who was erroneously thought to have myasthenia gravis on the basis of the clinical presentation and ... J Frisby,A Wills,T Jaspan - 《Journal of Neu...