Quality control questions on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk): A randomized trial of impact on the USAUDIT, PHQ-9, and GAD-7. Behav Res Methods. 2022;54(2):885–97. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-021-01665-8. Article PubMed Google Scholar Alisic E, Zalta AK, Van Wesel F, ...
Blue nail discoloration is a distinctive clinical presentation, and diagnosis is challenging given the broad differential diagnosis. A comprehensive review of the literature describing blue discoloration of one or multiple nails was performed using the PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science databases...
HALLUSIONBENCH: An Advanced Diagnostic Suite for Entangled Language Hallucination and Visual Illusion in Large Vision-Language Models Tianrui Guan* Fuxiao Liu* Xiyang Wu Ruiqi Xian Zongxia Li Xiaoyu Liu Xijun Wang Lichang Chen Furong Huang Yaser Yacoob Dine...
et al. Oral delivery of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)-65 and IL10 by Lactococcus lactis reverses diabetes in recent-onset NOD mice. Diabetes 63, 2876–2887 (2014). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Agarwal, P., Khatri, P., Billack, B., Low, W.-K. & Shao, J. Oral delivery of ...
narrative review the relevance of the differential diagnostic distinction between both disorders is examined from the perspective of general and forensic psychiatry with respect to therapy, prognosis and judicial decisions regarding the placement in forensic commitment ( 63 vs. 64 German Penal Code, St...
A large portion of the human genome transcribes RNA sequences that do not code for any proteins. The first of these sequences was identified in 1993, and the best known noncoding RNAs are microRNA (miRNAs). It is now fully established that miRNAs regulat
Current assessments for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are often subjective and do not rely on a standardized measure to evaluate the GAD across its severity levels. The lack of objective and multi-level quantitative diagnostic criteria poses as a significant challenge for individualized treatment ...
Due to the desire to present significant results, we took into account the electrodes from the central lane, in which there were significant changes in the most important waves for GAD. 4. Analysis of the QEEG Results of Patients with a Psychiatric Diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder For ...
(GptTaTmTeArsGZAKA1A7 CanCdCZCKA8C6C).GInTGadGdCitAio)n,wthaes hoobmseorlvoegdy ionf 2120nsuecqlueoetnicdeess ((FGigTuTrTeA6G).ATAheAfCouCrCcCluAsCteCrsGwTeGrGe CchAo)sewnafsroobmsetrhveesdelienc1te0dsepqouoel nfocresfu(Frtihgeurrech6a).raTchteerfiozau-r tcilouns.teCrlsuwsteerres ...
(SbPeIOmNorse) papropmeairsitnogbtehamnotrreadpirtoiomniaslinggadthoalinniturmad-ibtiaosneadl MgaRdIoclionniutrmas-tbaagseedntMs dRuI ecotonttrhaesitralgoewnetsr tdouxeictiotythaneidr ldoewteecrtitoonxilcimityitas.nIdnd2e0t0e8c,tWionanligmeittsa.l.Inlin2k00ed8,tWheaAng10etRaNl.Alina...