The degree of acceptance and the impact of sensor technology on diagnosing gender dysphoria (GD) were investigated, cross-employing the technology acceptance model (TAM), follower theory (FT), and social identity theory (SIT). Through interviews with 20 invited experts and a questionnaire ...
(HealthDay)—Only 29 percent of children and adolescents with gender dysphoria receive a gender dysphoria-related diagnosis (GDRD), and 25 percent are prescribed gender-affirming hormonal treatment (GAHT), according to a study published online June 7 inPediatrics. Ad Stephanie Wagner, M.D., M....
However, the existence of a medical diagnosis for gender nonconformity can exacerbate the stigmatization of transgender people with adverse consequences on their emotional health and social life. Whether transgenderism and gender dysphoria are indeed a psychopathological condition or even any kind of no...
Adolescents with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis have increased odds of a co-occurring gender dysphoria (GD) diagnosis, according to a study published online July 3 inPediatrics. Nicole F. Kahn, Ph.D., from the Seattle Children's Research Institute, and colleagues used data from t...
The authors suggest that the pathology accompanying gender identity dysphoria should be the focus of the clinical work rather than treating gender role behaviour. It is proposed that the model of atypical gender identity organization, is able to account for the diverse factors that may be ...
Instead of eliminating the diagnosis of gender dysphoria, insurers could solve the problem by simply not requiring that as a condition for accessing gender-affirming care. When health care providers require a specific diagnosis, we also require individuals to present a certain way and tell a...
gender dysphoriagender-variantGender Identity Disorderhuman rightsmental healthstigmatransgendertranssexualCategorizing certain gender identities as mental illness or disorder undermines human rights. The diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder has contributed to stigma and bias against gender-variant people and to...
Gender Dysphoria Generalized Anxiety Disorder Grief Histrionic Personality Disorder Hoarding Hypersomnia Hypomania Imposter Syndrome Impulse Control Disorder Insomnia Kleptomania Major Depressive Disorder Mania Mood Disorders Narcissistic Personality Disorder
We also recommend that the adolescent criteria be separate from the childhood criteria because of the distinct developmental possibilities and challenges in adolescence. We recommend the following criteria for Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents (all three must be met): (a) clinically significant persistent ...
Gender Incongruence of Adolescence and Adulthood: Acceptability and Clinical Utility of the World Health Organization's Proposed ICD-11 Criteria The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently updating the tenth version of their diagnostic tool, the International Classification of Diseases (ICD, WHO, ...