The complete guideline addresses both acute and stable chest pain; this synopsis focuses on the major recommendations for diagnosing acute chest pain. Full Text Comment Read More About Cardiology Emergency Medicine Guidelines Ischemic Heart Disease ...
Tako-tsubo Cardiomyopathy—A Differential Diagnosis for Chest Pain and ST Segment ElevationAntidepressive Agents, TricyclicAntihypertensive AgentsSerotonin Agents抗抑郁药, 三环抗高血压药血清素类药Sleep apnoea (SA) is a common sleep disorder affecting 4 to 25% of the adult population. The most common ...
Pleurisy is usually treated with anti-inflammatory medication. This will often treat an effusion as well. If the effusion is large and is causing shortness of breath, thoracentesis (thora=chest + centesis=withdrawing fluid) may be done. For thoracentesis, a needle is placed in the pleural spac...
Angina (ischemic chest pain) causes include heart disease, coronary artery spasm, and other conditions. Risk factors include high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, family history, aging, a sedentary lifestyle, and stimulant use.
What Causes Chest Pain? What Are the Signs and Symptoms That Occur With Chest Pain? What Conditions Are Associated With Chest Pain? How Is Chest Pain Diagnosed? How Is Chest Pain Treated? What Is the Prognosis for Chest Pain? Can Chest Pain Be Prevented? What Is Chest Pain? Chest X-rays...
Does routine pressure wire assessment influence management strategy at coronary angiography for diagnosis of chest pain?: the RIPCORD study. BACKGROUND: The use of coronary angiography (CA) for diagnosis and management of chest pain (CP) has several flaws. The assessment of coronary artery disea....
Though strict algorithmic approaches toward chest pain often prove intractable in real-world clinical settings, Figures 9-1 and 9-2 are useful for organizing an evaluation. This approach intentionally emphasizes the 3 must not miss diagnoses—ACS, PE, AAS—while avoiding the cognitive bias of “pl...
Heart and blood vessels.If you have high blood sugar, you’re up to twice as likely to get heart disease or have a stroke, and at a younger age compared to those with normal sugar. You’re also at high risk of blocked blood vessels (atherosclerosis) and chest pain (angina). ...
Chest pain is a frequent cause for emergency department visits in the United States. The “2021 AHA/ACC/ASE/CHEST/SAEM/SCCT/SCMR Guideline for the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Chest Pain” provides recommendations based on contemporary evidence on the assessment and evaluation of chest pain. This...
Miller encourages physicians to synthesize available information on their patients suffering from various types of chest pain for an initial working diagnosis. One can change the diagnosis with the flow of the patient's clinical and laboratory findings.Miller attempts to cover a wide range of chest ...