Introduction The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused a sudden significant increase in hospitalizations for pneumonia with multiorgan disease. COVID-19 is caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). SARS-CoV-2 infection may be asymptomatic ...
The use of the staging system for tumours with additional nodules has been left unchanged, although the approach to score same lobe nodules as T3, different ipsilateral lobe as T4 and contralateral as M1a should be restricted to the same histological (sub)type and, as such, be considered as...
As the example in this figure, the refined report combines the findings from all three networks to provide a clear and concise summary of the patient’s condition, highlighting the presence of pneumonia and the extent of the infection in the left lower lobe. In this way, the LLM could ...
A 67-year-old man who is a long-term smoker presents with weight loss, a persistent cough, fever, chest pain, and hemoptysis. A chest x-ray reveals a 3.5cm hilar mass on the right and postobstructive pneumonia of the right lower lobe. Sputum cytologic is suspicious for malignant cells....
El Asnaoui K, Chawki Y, Idri A (2021) Automated methods for detection and classification pneumonia based on X-ray images using deep learning. Artificial intelligence and blockchain for future cybersecurity applications. Springer, New York, pp 257–284 Google Scholar Esteva A, Kuprel B, Novoa...
CT brain (A–C) was performed showing gas within the right frontal lobe in distribution, suggesting an intravascular location (arrow, A and B), together with diffuse loss of gray-white matter differentiation, most prominently in the central deep nuclei (arrowhead). There was evidence of mass ...