Concatenation joins character strings end-to-end. The symbol for concatenation is &. For example, the strings ‘abc’ and ‘abc’ are concatenated by ‘abc’ & ‘ abc’ into ‘abcabc’ and ‘abc ’ & ‘abc’ = ‘abc abc’ since the left hand ‘abc ‘ ends with a space. Since ‘...
MRI-based triage in a 46-year-old man with global aphasia and right hemiparesis for more than 4.5 h. Upper row shows a small diffusion lesion with low ADC, with much larger perfusion defect by qualitative “eyeball” method. Lower panel shows left carotid terminus near-total occlusion on TRI...
This 58-year-old man presented with abrupt left hemiparesis and confusion. A stroke code was called in the emergency department due to concern for right MCA occlusion. A non-contrast fast screening MRI protocol was obtained in <7 min of imaging time (including normal MRA-MRV, not shown)....
Localized reversible reduction of apparent diffusion coefficient in transient hypoglycemia-induced hemiparesis. Stroke. 2005;36:e20-22. Finelli PF. Diffusion-weighted mr in hypoglycemic coma. Neurology. 2001;57:933. Shirayama H, Ohshiro Y, Kinjo Y, Taira S, Teruya I, Nakachi K, et al. Acute...
Toni D, Duca R, Fiorelli M (1994) Pure motor hemiparesis and sensorimotor stroke: accuracy of very early clinical diagnosis of lacunar strokes. Stroke 25: 92-96.Toni D, Del Duca R, Fiorelli M, et al. Pure motor hemiparesis and sensorimotor stroke. Accuracy of very early clinical diagnosis...