Arun B. Jesudian, MD: In changing gears just a bit, there’s recently been developed a new ICD-10 [International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision] code specifically for hepatic encephalopathy. It had been sort of captured under generic cirrhosis or liver disease ICD-10 classification ...
For the retrospective cohort study, there were 3 outcomes of interest compared by ACEI/ARB use or no use. The primary outcome was all-cause death. Secondary outcomes were (1) a composite of death or severe COVID-19 (defined as ICD-10 diagnosis code B972A designating COVID-19 with SARS...
In 2000 the Nordic Council of Ministers (Finland, Sweden, and Norway) adopted the following unspecific ICD-10 code for EHS: Chapter XVIII, Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified, code R68.8 “Other specified general symptoms and signs” (Nordic ICD...
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