headache: For the West Nile virus, a high-value headache, such as 7, along with a high level of coughing, is a trigger to send the patient to the hospital immediately to test for the virus and avoid encephalitis, for example. The general practitioner I interviewed was faced with such a ...
A comprehensive literature review finds sufficient evidence of an association between damp indoor environments and some upper respiratory tract symptoms, coughing, wheezing, and asthma symptoms in sensitized persons. This important book will be of interest to a wide-ranging audience of science, health,...
Influenza virus pneumonia: There may be persistent high fever, and coughing is obvious. Other symptoms included fatigue, diarrhea, and chest pain. There are small wet moist crackles in the lungs. Routine blood examination shows that the white blood cell count is mostly normal or slightly increased...
in each auscultation site for pathological significance to realize the objective diagnosis. hence, lung sounds were divided into 15 seconds with 60000 sample points in each segment for subsequent analysis, and the start point of segmentation was set as the first inhalation after the coughing peak [...
“patient coughing,”“family-reported increased cough”) (Table 1 and eAppendix in Supplement 1); (2) radiographic findings (eg, pulmonary consolidation) from chest imaging reports through day 4 of the hospitalization, including details (eg, single lobe, multifocal), and markers of unce...
coniunctivalcongestion.andchemosis.exceptforthe symptoms caused by the tumors.Because oftheir inabilitytomaintainasupinepositionforalongtime,the patientsassumedasemirecliningposition.In4patients, syncopewascausedbycoughinganddefecation.The exam i nationsshowedthatthevenouspressureinthe upperlimbwas30—50ClIlI-...
“patient coughing,”“family-reported increased cough”) (Table 1 and eAppendix in Supplement 1); (2) radiographic findings (eg, pulmonary consolidation) from chest imaging reports through day 4 of the hospitalization, including details (eg, single lobe, multifocal), and markers of uncertainty ...
The health care provider takes a sample of airway fluid through induced coughing, bronchoscopy, spontaneous coughing etc. The sample may be diluted in additional water, or a solvent that dissolves the wax. The fluorescent label is then released either as a result of the addition of a suitable ...
difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), saliva and food that collects in the mouth or back of the throat may cause choking, coughing, or drooling; excessive salivation (hypersalivation), excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), loss of bladder and/or bowel control (incontinence); loss of sense of smell...
The most common presentation of LAM is progressive dyspnea on exertion, often in association with a history of pneumothorax or chylothorax (other symptoms of LAM include chest pain and coughing). The histopathological hallmarks of the disease are dilated distal airspaces and diffuse infiltration of th...