<1>Localization error(位置误差) 目标类别中的某个目标检测出的bounding box 和gt不重合,错位了(0.1< overlap <0.5),duplicated detection(同一目标的两个检测,猫的头和整体个检测了一次)也是位置误差。(类别检测是正确的) <2>confusion with similar objects(相似目标混淆) 类别检测错误,狗检测成猫,文中将VOC的...
错误率,errorrate 精度,accuracy误差,error训练误差,trainingerror泛化误差,generalizationerror过拟合,overfitting 欠拟合,underfitting 模型选择,model selection 测试机,testing set 测试误差,testingerror分层采样,stratified sampling 交叉 智能推荐 DSOD: Learning Deeply Supervised Object Detectors from Scratch ...
Plasma ObjectThe possibility of using thermoluminescent detectors for diagnosing plasmas is analyzed. The key characteristics of the thermoluminescent detectors, based on which a small-sized pulse X-ray spectrometer was developed and constructed, are studied. The basic experimental results obtained in ...
37. A device for diagnosing physiological state according to claim 36, wherein the calculating means calculates the separate minimum values of the indicator of physiological state for the daytime and evening periods; and the second control means checks whether the current time falls in the daytime ...