To enable the Diag port, you’ll need to send a special command to the Pixel’s Qualcomm modem. In some cases, root access is required for this step.If your device is rooted:adb shell su resetprop ro.bootmode usbradio resetprop userdebug setprop sys.usb.config diag,diag...
This command enables Android Debug Shell. Using ADB Shell, we can perform several system actions. Now, enter the below command in CMD window and hit enter: su This command requests superuser / Root permissions. Once the permissions are allowed, all the commands will run as the superuser. Fi...
打开下面键值: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\open\command\,但是先不要修改,因为如果这时就修改注册表的话,DIAGCFG.EXE进程仍然会立刻把它改回来的。 2.打开“任务管理器”,找到DIAGCFG.EXE这个进程,选中它,按“结束进程”来关掉这个进程。注意,一定也不要先关进程再打开注册表管理器,否则...> resetappliance This command will revert the appliance to a previous version of AsyncOS. Warning: Reverting the appliance is extremely destructive. The following data will be destroyed in the process and should be backed up: - current system configu...
reverts the appliance to chosen build with factory default settings with default IP. No network configuration would be preserved. reboot -- Reboot the appliance. S/N E8888888890-WZP2000000P Service Access currently disabled.> resetappliance This command...
When using /usr/sbin/td-agent-gem command, fluent-diagtool is installed under "/opt/td-agent/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/bin/" directory. You can add that directory to $PATH in .bash_profile. Otherwise, you can install Diagtool with common gem command. In this case, Ruby version hig...
用于标识“通知”类别中的一个或多个诊断类型的结构。 语法 C++ typedefstruct_DXGK_DIAGTYPE_NOTIFICATIONS{union{struct{UINT PanelSelfRefreshSoftware :1; UINT PanelSelfRefreshHardware :1; UINT Reserved :30; }; UINT Value; }; } DXGK_DIAGTYPE_NOTIFICATIONS; ...
DXGK_DIAG_BASIC_DISPLAY_TOPOLOGY列舉是DXGK_DISPLAYSTATE_NONINTRUSIVE結構的成員。 它用於透過對DxgkDdiGetDisplayStateNonIntrusive的呼叫來收集顯示診斷資訊。 驅動程式應該傳回最後一個狀態 (最好是監視器是否已連線) 的硬體狀態,而且不應該執行作用中偵測。 主動偵測可能會變更顯示連線的狀態,這會觸發OS路徑...
Command Line Utilities alerts - emits zero or more BEL characters with a delay in between. bakepi - monitors Raspberry Pi core temperature which throttles at 82C. bucketbrigade - read from a serial port and forward to another serial port. clocks - logs the current values of UTC time, atom...
DXGK_DIAG_DISPLAY_MODE_SET列舉是DXGK_DISPLAYSTATE_NONINTRUSIVE結構的成員。 透過對DxgkDdiGetDisplayStateNonIntrusive的呼叫來收集顯示診斷資訊時,會使用它。 雖然OS 會追蹤最後一次設定模式呼叫是否成功,但DXGK_DIAG_DISPLAY_MODE_SET會提供指定目標上所設定模式的驅動程序狀態,以便與 OS 狀態進行比較。 針...