Work trousers - Diadora Utility x Ducati Corse PANT PERFORMANCE DUCATI BLACK - Utility PANT PERFORMANCE DUCATI £103.00 Work trousers - Diadora Utility x Ducati Corse 1 Colour Sweatshirt - Diadora Utility x Ducati Corse SWEATSHIRT FZ DUCATI BLACK - Utility SWEATSHIRT FZ DUCATI £65.00...
Diadora Utility is the line of safety shoes, workwear and professional accessories designed for everyday work. Shop them online! uses cookies This website uses cookies and other tools, including those of third parties, which are technical and, subject to your consent, profiling tools, for their operation, to provide you with a personalised browsing service, to send you advertising messages in line with ... uses cookies This website uses cookies and other tools, including those of third parties, which are technical and, subject to your consent, profiling tools, for their operation, to provide you with a personalised browsing service, to send you advertising messages in line with ...
Diadora Utility - Stand expoprotectionMatteo Ive
商标名称 UTILITY DIADORA 国际分类 第25类-服装鞋帽 商标状态 领土延伸 申请/注册号 G751980A 申请日期 - 申请人名称(中文) DIADORAS.P.A. 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) Via Montello, 80 Caerano di San Marco (Treviso) 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 - 注册公告期号 -...
是。上网查过了 答案补充 迪亚多纳(DIADORA)意大利运动品牌
DIADORA 主要分为SPORT运动、SPORTSWEAR休闲复古、HERITAGE遗产、Utility劳保等四个系列,国内售卖最多的是绿色盒子的SPORTSWEAR系列。 外观展示 1. WHIZZ RUN 京东 diadora/迪亚多纳男鞋WHIZZRUN男女同款潮流复古老爹鞋运动休闲鞋白色C618042.5 ¥439 去购买 鞋盒是普款的绿色鞋盒,标签印上鞋子的外观。
UTILITY DIADORA领土延伸 申请/注册号:G751980A申请日期:-国际分类:第25类-服装鞋帽商标申请人:DIADORASPORTSRL办理/代理机构:柜台办理 UTILITY DIADORA注册申请 申请/注册号:G751980A申请日期:-国际分类:第09类-科学仪器商标申请人:DIADORASPORTSRL办理/代理机构:柜台办理 DIADORA商标注册申请 申请/注册号:27315153申请...
Diadora 的 N9000 跑鞋最初创建于 1990 年。几十年来,它经过无数次重新构想,作为该品牌优质 Heritage 系列的一部分出现在这里。多材质鞋面混合了黑色、灰色和白色色调的皮革、绒面革和尼龙,并进一步辅以棕褐色皮革鞋舌。 EVA 中底混合了白色和奶油色的色调与黑色橡胶外底,而内部则是带衬垫的可拆卸鞋垫以及棉和皮...