不论那一个版本也是在PlayStation 4/5、Xbox One及Xbox Series X/S和PC上发售。重返《DIABLO IV》在《DIABLO IV》作为以黑暗风格为题材的游戏,在玩家游玩时必定会发觉很多对方都相对幽黑、朦胧甚至带点血腥。这也是在系列作品中常有的风格,不过在游戏的高画质下,似乎在《DIABLO IV》抓中了该有的口味。在玩...
主機上的線上多人遊戲需要有 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 或 Xbox Game Pass Core (需另行購買)。 輸入您的生日 描述 《暗黑破壞神®IV》是下個世代的動作角色扮演體驗,除了有無窮無盡的惡魔讓玩家殺個痛快、極度豐富的技能可以專精、夢魘般的地城體驗,還有傳奇寶物等你來收集。自己一人或呼朋引伴遊玩劇情、在美麗...
Diablo IV is the fourth main installment in the Diablo series. The story is centered around Lilith, Mephisto's daughter, who has been summoned into Sanctuary. The game was announced at BlizzCon 2019 and released on June 5th, 2023. In October 8th, 2024, t
Diablo IV 简介 暗黑破坏神IV 角色扮演游戏 《暗黑破坏神®IV》(Diablo IV)是暴雪娱乐公司(Blizzard Entertainment)开发的一款动作角色扮演游戏,除了有无穷无尽的恶魔让玩家杀个痛快、极度丰富的技能可以专精、梦魇般的地城体验,还有传奇宝物等你来收集。独自一人或是与好友展开冒险并探索奇幻的暗黑世界、或是在开放...
●Xbox One●PC JOIN GAME PASSGET IT NOW THE NEXT CHAPTER OF DIABLO IV HAS ARRIVED Continue the epic campaign to thwart the diabolical plot of the Lord of Hatred himself in the new expansion, Vessel of Hatred™. Battle as the all-new Spiritborn class. Expand your map to the new...
在《守望先锋2》之后,暴雪旗下另一款热门作品《暗黑破坏神IV》将登陆 Steam 平台,发行时间为 10 月 17 日(北京时间 18 日)。这意味着在与网易终止合作退出中国大陆市场之后,大陆玩家有机会再次玩上暴雪游戏。《暗黑破坏神IV》于 6 月 5 日正式发行,Metacritic 评分 86/100(PC 版),但后续更新引发了玩家抱怨...
PC Bug Report Find an in-game bug on PC? Help us squash it by reporting it here! 40096 Technical Support Share issues that prevent you from launching, installing, or staying connected to Diablo IV. 12059 Items and Crafting Discuss your experiences relating to items and crafting in Diablo IV...
暗黑破坏神4/Diablo4延迟高、丢包、卡顿的三种有效解决办法 暗黑破坏神4/Diablo4是一款非常受欢迎的动作角色扮演游戏,为玩家提供了非常完美的终盘玩法体验和成长系统,玩家将进入《暗黑破坏神® IV》的世界,在捍卫庇护之地的战斗中,开启前所未有的动作 RPG 冒险。不过不少玩家在游玩暗黑破坏神4/Diablo4的时候...
THE NEXT CHAPTER OF DIABLO IV HAS ARRIVED Continue the epic campaign to thwart the diabolical plot of the Lord of Hatred himself in the new expansion, Vessel of Hatred™. Battle as the all-new Spiritborn class. Expand your map to the new region of Nahantu. Discover new dungeons, ...