In the immersive world of Diablo Immortal, Season 32 brings forth an event like no other - The Hungering Moon. This formidable event demands sustenance once again, calling upon players to satisfy its insatiable thirst for blood. As the moon shines brightly in the night sky, the path to appea...
For those of you eagerly awaiting an update on Diablo Immortal, we've got some information on where development is and what to expect in the future regarding our mobile adventure.
Diablo Immortal Galvanize Your Resolve with Iron Gambit Blizzard Entertainment Since our last content update, players have delved into the Age of Unmaking, discovered a new chapter in Deckard Cain’s storied past, and tested themselves with Oblivion Pillars. This upcoming content update introduces ...
Diablo Immortal Developer Q&A Series Feature Updates Additional Stash Tabs The ability for players to have additional storage tabs in their Stash is one of our most requested feature updates. Now, players can unlock up to two additional Stash tabs from within the Stash menu fo...
Diablo Immortal causedcontroversyupon release last summer for its various microtransactions, but has continued to receive frequent updates, like in February, when Blizzard introducedfishing to the world of Sanctuary. Many of Diablo Immortal’s systems, like world events, world bosses, hub towns, and...
For additional status updates and a place to converse with us on all things Diablo Immortal, be sure to follow @DiaboImmortal on Twitter or like our @DiabloImmortal Facebook page. The Diablo Immortal Team FAQ Q. How do I take part in the Technical Alpha? A. Starting ...
We interviewed Blizzard's Wyatt Cheng and Julian Love to discuss the upcoming game Diablo Immortal, the first mobile-only franchise entry.
Diablo Immortal may have been a disappointment, but Diablo 3 is better than ever. 3 years, 5 months Comment Activision Blizzard Lawsuit Timeline: The Story So Far Get caught up on the latest in Activision Blizzard's ongoing lawsuit saga. 3 years, 6 months Comment Ex-Blizzard Developers Partne...
Barbarian– Immortal King’s Call Crusader– Seeker of the Light Demon Hunter– Natalya’s Vengeance Monk– Uliana’s Stratagem Necromancer– Trag’Oul’s Avatar Witch Doctor– Spirit of Arachyr Wizard– Vyr’s Amazing Arcana 0 Share Catch up on our Latest Campfire Chat ...
In the meantime, Diablo 3 season 27 is currently underway and features a new Sanctified Items system, and a major upcoming patch is set to address Diablo Immortal warbands, one of the crossover game’s most controversial features. Ken Allsop Ken is a news writer for PCGamesN. He wants to...