Welcome to our official Diablo Immortal Q&A series. About once a month, the development team at both Blizzard and Netease will select a handful of burning questions from the community to respond to—both the question and answer will be posted below. We hope for this series to not only be e...
The bonds that influence Sanctuary appear to have also taken root in Azeroth, bringing otherworldly splendor unseen to this land. While Eternal War event is active, log-in to Diablo Immortal on a character Level 10 or above to earn a Treasure Nabbin’ Bag cosmetic in World of Warcraft®: ...
Diablo Immortal's first major update is Forgotten Nightmares, adding new quests and rewards Players will have to fight for every bit of light in this new adventure. Diablo Immortal Season 2 brings a new Battle Pass, Bloodsworn cosmetic, and a new boss Diablo Immortal: Best character builds ...
The roots of Diablo IV lie in late 2013 or early 2014, where Diablo III: The King in the North was cancelled, with the instruction that Team 3 move onto Diablo IV and Diablo Immortal, regardless of what form the game might take. Team 3 was split up, with some of its members ...
Demon Hunter Build Guides in Diablo Immortal Demon Hunterclass to assist you in solo or group content. TheDemon Hunterclass offers multiple viable builds, but their individual power is relative to the task you are aiming to complete. The following guide will help you decide which build you ...
While eviscerating packs of greedy goblins, don’t forget to use the Winback Booster in the Eternal Realm for an instant boost to Level 50, with included Legendary Items, powerful builds to use, and more. For more information on the Welcome Back Booster, read our bloghere. ...
Melee through the monsters of the Underworld with our Diablo Immortal monk build guide, including all the best skills, gems, and stats for the holy patroller
If you’re one of those 10 million players, be sure to check our Diablo Immortal leveling guide and Diablo Immortal gems guide to ensure that you’re making the most of your progress. If you haven’t yet jumped in, we’ve got the best Diablo Immortal builds and a Diablo Immortal tier...
Looking for the latest round of hotfixes and bug fixes implemented for Diablo Immortal? Checkherefor all-platform fixes—updated on Tuesdays. We hope you evade any demonic trickery during Hallow’s Wake. -The Diablo Immortal Team Back to Top...
Icy Veins provides detailed builds, guides, and news for Diablo 3 for all classes: barbarian, crusader, demon hunter, monk, necromancer, witch doctor, wizard.