Diablo III First ReleasedMay 15, 2012 PC MAC PS3 X360 PS4 XONE NS Follow 9 SuperbCheck out the review Metacritic 88 User Avg 7.3 Walkthroughs & FAQs TypeNameFile Size General FAQsSpoiler-Free Walkthrough by starlin1719K Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition Cheats For PlayStation 4 ...
Diablo III "The return of the beast" ByCraig S18th May 2012 | 13,091 views Read full review Summary AND THE HEAVENS SHALL TREMBLE Two decades have passed since the demonic denizens, Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal, wandered the world of Sanctuary in a vicious rampage to shackle humanity into ...
【PC】黑夜的Diablo3(暗黑破坏神III)的试玩,안녕하세요 我是黑夜OwO ────────────────────────── 新浪微博:http://weibo.com/p/1005053923691009/home中国最大最全的游戏视频媒体平台
还是玩暗黑3吧!游戏星辰小编为大家带来了,PC《暗黑破坏神3:夺命之镰 Diablo III Reaper of Souls》中文版一键端下载! 【12月15日22点03上传新版本,亲测可玩,超高爆率+GM账号】 测试截图 作为一款终极动作类角色扮演游戏,《暗黑破坏神3》是暗黑破坏神系列的完美延续。玩家可以在五种不同的职业中进行选择,如野...
Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer (PC) - Battle.net Gift - GLOBAL Offer from 1 seller Diablo 3: Rise of the Necromancer Pack Battle.net Key GLOBAL Warning!This product requires the standard version of the game activated on your Battle.net account. ...
Diablo Somepage has the latest news and guides for Diablo III on the PC and Consoles. Featuring the most popular builds and the best Legendary items in Diablo III patch 2.2.0.
Diablo Somepage has the latest news and guides for Diablo III on the PC and Consoles. Featuring the most popular builds and the best Legendary items in Diablo III patch 2.2.0.
The game was ported to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The port was based on the PC version, including recent upgrades such as Paragon leveling, new legendary weapons, and brawling.[3] Console differences/additions include: Avatars: Diablo III-themed t-shirts are available for player avatars...
暗黑破坏神3 PC电脑版
2012年5月22日—加尼福尼亚,尔湾市 –暴雪娱乐公司今天宣布,《暗黑破坏神®III》在发售后的第一个24小时内便已售出逾350万份游戏拷贝,缔造了销售速度最快PC游戏的新纪录*。这一数字不包括参与《魔兽世界®》年卡促销活动而获得《暗黑破坏神III》的120多万名玩家。在《暗黑破坏神III》发售的首日,全球共有470...