Diablo® IV: Vessel of Hatred™ - Édition Ultime contient : - Vessel of Hatred™ pour PS4™ / PS5® - Armure d'Esprit né du Marcheur du voile de Nahantu - Hratli, la mascotte canine* - Natalya, la mascotte tigre*
Ce pack propose le contenu de la Standard Edition de Diablo® IV: Vessel of Hatred™. Jeu Diablo® IV de base, compte Battle.net® et connexion Internet requis pour jouer. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur Diablo.com/fr-fr. © 2024 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc, Diablo et...
et nous sommes enthousiastes à l’idée d’annoncer queDiablo IV: Vessel of Hatrednous emmènera tous dans les jungles luxuriantes de Nahantu dès le 8 octobre, avec la possibilité de précommander dès maintenant !
The next chapter of Diablo® IV has arrived in Vessel of Hatred™, the first expansion to the critically acclaimed action-RPG. Become the apex predator of the jungle as the all-new Spiritborn class. Expand your map to journey into the new region of Nahantu in search of Neyrelle, who...
Die Diablo® IV Vessel of Hatred™ - Ultimate Edition enthält - Vessel of Hatred™ für PS4™ PS5® - Geistgeborenenrüstung Nahantu-Schleierwandler - Hratli, Hundegefährte - Natalya, Tigergefährte - Nahantu-Kriegskatze Reittier und
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred - Ultimate Edition Includes: Vessel of Hatred for PS4 / PS5 Nahantu Veilwalker Spiritborn Armour Hratli, the Canine Pet* Natalya, the Tiger Pet* Nahantu War-Cat Mount and Armour Bundle* Nahantu Unearthed Armour Bundle (5 class armour sets) ...
Meet The Spiritborn class in this latest Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred trailer, and learn about this new class, as well as take a peek at the class in action from the upcoming expansion for the action RPG. Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred will be available on October 8, 2024. ...
(Season 6) - Diablo 4 - Vessel of HatredTokuzumi 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多1663 -- 25:20 App 【暗黑4】Wudijo|灵巫最好用的BD 飞鹰翎羽箭幕|THE BEST BUILD IN THE GAME- QUILL VOLLEY 1.9万 90 10:01 App 【杂谈】暗黑4与流放之路的体验对比 1548 -- 9:39 App 【...
Im Rahmen der gamescom 2024 wurden Fans von Diablo 4 von Blizzard mit einer ganzen Wagenladung an neuen Infos zum schon bald erscheinenden Addon Vessel of Hatred beschenkt. Am 8. Oktober 2024 bricht die Hölle wieder über uns herein, doch die spannendsten Infos haben wir jetzt schon für...
Here's a look at the new region and game features in Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred expansion, including mercenaries, Dark Citadel, and more. This action RPG launches October 8 on Xbox, PS5, PS4, and PC. 07:46 Diablo 4: Season of Witchcraft - Official Developer Overview Video ...