Handily, someone has created a drop calculator. You can input all of the factors above to find out how likely it is that you’ll get the Diablo 2 items you need. Using this, you can choose to fight the monsters that have the best probability of giving you the item you want. This al...
=== Diablo 3 === Utter garbage on release (RMAH, bad drop rate, bastardization of uniques, no rifts), but finally turned in a good game. Indigo Gaming has a fantastic Diablo III: A Cautionary Tale | 12 Years of Development Hell documentary on what the hell happened with D3. The ...
Belial is a little tricky, possibly the first tricky boss since Izual and Diablo; but still a little more difficult than both. You will want to drop your Wizard Leveling Build and use a build dedicated to doing damage and surviving. To survive the meteors and stomps I utilized Diamond Skin...
We used to have this, and we got overwhelmingly bad feedback internally on it, even when we turned the drop rate on low levels 'way' down. Are you going to change/buff certain skills/runes that are never used? YES!!! Trivia. The least used skills at level 60 are Energy Twister, ...