Rework Rarely Used Passives / Skills / Runes. To some extent these are being fixed season by season as you rework the less popular sets. Still, a lot of work can be done here to give more build variety. You can also look at the itemization of the modern day classes and see if anyth...
Its ok, and the runes are common. Flayers drop like stones under the might of Wakes, so's ya know. And watch that Shaman Flayer fire, it does tons of damage. If he starts flaming, run out of the way. Act III so far has been pretty easy for me so far, but I'm not at ...
Rework Rarely Used Passives / Skills / Runes. To some extent these are being fixed season by season as you rework the less popular sets. Still, a lot of work can be done here to give more build variety. You can also look at the itemization of the modern day classes and see if anyth...