Season start date to be announced tomorrow. I'm betting on next tuesday not next friday. Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 18 Next You must log in or register to reply here. Similar threads Riven Adam Lenhardt Jun 4, 2024...
Forgotten Nightmares, the first Major Update for Diablo Immortal—begins to go live on September 27! Dive into the details behind our first new dungeon Silent Monastery, and more.
Uber Lilith can be found in the Echo of Hatred Capstone Dungeon next to Nevesk on Torment I difficulty or higher. Fortunately with the release of Vessel of Hatred she’s no longer as hard as she previously was and should be manageable if you’re able to build your character to survive i...
Super easy Challenge Rift for Season 21 start. Do NOT do this weekly until after you have started and logged in to your seasonal character on Friday night after 8est!!! Jul 1, 2020 #178 of 352 Sam Posten Moderator Premium HW Reviewer Senior HTF Member Joined Oct 30, 1997 Messages...
And in total of roughly how many sort of like testing periods you’re planning before release? Cederquist: I don’t think we necessarily have a specific date for it to even bring to light right now. I know there’s going to be multiple testing periods. I’m reluctant to say 4 tests,...
[POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0 Virtual Drives - DiabloIII_32: [11/22/17 16:11:55] - Running wine-2.5-staging --version (Working directory : /home/famastefano/.PlayOnLinux/shortcuts) wine-2.5 (Staging) PlayOnLinux logfile --- Date: 11/22/17 16:11:55 Warning! PlayOnLinux is usin...
Zealot Join Date: 6/4/2012 Posts: 99 Class: Wizard As someone who plays both D3 and PoE, my only gripe with D3 is that there is no 'finish line' (like e.g. level 100 or 40/40 Challenges in PoE). Every time a D3 season starts, I just have to ask mysel...