Streets choked with corpses. Unthinkable destruction. I witness senseless slaughter. Brother against brother. Pure hatred. And then, executions. And then suffering surrounded me until my turn comes. It burned my eyes. Broke my bones. I wake in terror. There's no-one left to stand against ...
Last Patch Broke Things... ?! 04:02 【暗黑4】Wudijo|专家模式再次阵亡 莉莉丝绝不留情 Second HC RIP- Lilith Takes No Prisoners 03:34 【暗黑4】Wudijo|先祖猛击蛮|HOTA BLEED SETUP - PIT 132+ Bash Barb 11:40 【暗黑4】ROB|如何避免装备变砖|How to NOT BRICK YOUR ITEMS! Gambling in Diablo ... Holiday Event is live with some nice rewards! Get them now. The new season starts at the end of January, I'm looking forward to it! All my Builds for Diablo 4 (I always try to keep it up to date): 展开...
You will go broke. LordDagger-1411 May 24, 2024, 3:01pm 4 I’m with you cross. I don’t know why we don’t start at max level, pick our gear from a menu, and then get whatever we want as soon as we want it. I am a emotionally immature person so I can’t stand feeling...
Diablo III features a quest system to Diablo II, though with more quests per act. In addition, random events feature. These are shorter quests not part of the main storyline. dungeons are still randomized but the random map generator has undergone an overhaul. However, there are still hard ...
The player base is melting down after the last patch. People who play the game are very upset. I'm still early in the campaign (Act 2 at WT1). Should wait to jump into Season 1 until they fix whatever they broke? i.e. Is this a real disaster or is it one of those complex bala...
But on to March 2023, whenEverQuestwill celebrate its 24th anniversary. Blizzard will be out there trying to drum up some cash with aDiablo VIopen beta. Can then recognize pre-oder revenue for that? There is a State of the Goonion planned for next Saturday, which usually means the Imperium...
Pandemonium Diablo can now be spawned with either selling 1 Stone of Jordan or selling 1 Standard of Heroes (Torch uberquest drop) Nihlatak temple bugged damage Vipers are replaced by Blood Lords Shrines can stack, have increased timers and can all replenish ...
Malthael was a former member and leader of the Angiris Council. Once the Archangel of Wisdom, he became the Angel of Death. As with all angels, Malthael was born from the Crystal Arch. He was among the archangels, and among the five who best represented
没有职业削弱&第四赛季测试服 | Diablo 4 20:34 【暗黑破坏神4】rob | 试炼场BD排名 BEST GAUNTLET BUILDS! Tier List for all classes 22:17 【暗黑破坏神4】rob | 第三赛季中期补丁备注 | PATCH NOTES MID-SEASON 3 18:37 【暗黑破坏神4】rob | 可能会被忽视的试炼场细节 | GAUNTLET DETAILS ...