第四赛季更新 Diablo 4 is FINALLY out of Beta - Season 4 Update 24:55 【暗黑4PTR】rob | 合成回火装备与秘境来了 ITEM CRAFTING & RIFTs coming to Diablo 4 28:21 【暗黑4PTR】rob | PTR测试服补丁 巨幅改动 PTR PATCH - HUGE BARB NERFS & OVERALL BUFFS 19:30 【暗黑4PTR】ROB | BLEED ...
【暗黑4】ROB|补丁实装 玩玩新BD|DIABLO 4 PATCH LIVE TODAY - Top New Builds to PlayTokuzumi 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 4682 0 20:20 App 【暗黑4】ROB|丑陋私生子要命 旋风蛮旋转致胜|Ugly Bastard Helm is AMAZING! Spin2Win Barb? 2910 0 47:06 App 【暗黑4】ROB|...
Diablo 4 Patch 2.1.3 Buffs Conduit Shrines – But Is It Enough?Diablo 4 Patch 2.1.3 buffs Conduit Shrines with 37x more damage scaling. But will this fix their endgame issues? Here is what we know.Diablo IVTodayat05:34byNeviriah ...
With this latest patch, im stuck with a gray screen and not able to enter the game anymore, i played until 3am no issues yesterday, today i patched the game and i cant even open D4! Even if i manage to enter the menu where i see my characters, it keeps on freezing, theres no wa...
Today (on March 26), wanderers can conquer the horrors of Hell with a suite of new graphical enhancements available to them with patch 1.3.5. Arriving alongside our next content update, Sanctuary will be further imbued with the luscious shadows and enhanced reflections of ray tracing, plus othe...
Unforgiven-2770 February 1, 2024, 7:57pm 4 Same here, can’t get in no matter what. Only started after this patch. 7 Likes Salamndar-2579 February 1, 2024, 8:10pm 5 Since the new patch applied today, I can not login to the game as it freezes at the Blizzrd screen or the...
Today (on March 26), wanderers can conquer the horrors of Hell with a suite of new graphical enhancements available to them with patch 1.3.5. Arriving alongside our next content update, Sanctuary will be further imbued with the luscious shadows and enhanced reflections of ray tracing, plus othe...
After all, without memorable characters, so many games wouldn’t be as iconic as they are today. For example, the various installments of Mario Kart would immediately put people off if Mario or Luigi weren’t featured, Roderika is a key character in Elden Ring, and popular slot titles like...
But Blizzard seems to be working on this as it was actually working for a while after the 2.0.3 patch, until they disabled it with the hotfix a few hours later. I got the Citadel trophy today but the one where you need to kill with Ultimate x 500 enemies has to be glitched for ...
Starting today, you can pre-load Diablo Immortal for PC from Battle.net. Heat up your PC in advance, and once Immortal fully launches on June 2, you can kick open the gate to Hell and get to demon slaying at break-neck pace! Back to Top Installation and Play Instru...