I kept Astral Presence for Arcane Power regen but picked up Blur to reduce my melee damage taken. I figured Izual was doing melee damage. I also kept Glass Cannon, which would have been the next to go if I wiped. Here is the build I used:http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/wiza...
Yes, that hasn't been the case so far, but we haven't done a 'true' class balance patch, just hot-fixes on things we considered grossly overpowered. Class changes focused on improving diversity will be in an upcoming patch (not 1.0.3). About the dialogue and story. You brought in ...
Zealot Join Date: 7/4/2008 Posts: 183 Quote from Maka Quote from Finder You always hear "items are boring", you never hear suggestions for making them better. The few suggestions you do hear are just ways to make them overpowered. Excuse us if we're not game develope...