Having personally tested it out on the Steam Deck, I found the Steam Deck to be a perfectly reasonable platform to play Diablo 4. Blizzard announced the Steam release of Diablo 4 earlier this month, revealing that the game would launch on the platform along with its second season, which ...
« Diese Frage stellen sich viele Nutzer unter dem Beitrag eines Spielers im Subreddit von Diablo 4. Der Spieler Ninetales beschreibt, wie er das Action-Rollenspiel von Blizzard als blinde Person erlebt und teilt ein Video von seinem Triumph über Uber Duriel....
I was alsolooking intoLost Ark, another title on Steam that Amazon was publishing. Iplayed through the opening weekend of the gameon Steam. It was good enough that the groupabandonedNew Worldfor this new title. That meantlearning how to play togetherin another game. EvenCarBot got in on the...