We will be keeping a watchful eye on the Blizzard Forums, Blizzard CS Twitter account, and any reported issues via the Customer Support Portal to help get you back into the fray swiftly. We cannot begin to express how excited we are for you to soon begin your quest in ...
The fourth and final Necromancer playstyle is Blood, which was a part of the class' repertoire inDiablo 3, but now has its very own playstyle, continuing the trend ofDiablo 4reworkingDiablo 3's skills. While Bone and Shadow lend themselves more to DPS and crowd control, Blood focuses on ...
WWI 2008 游戏设计座谈会 对WWI 2008 游戏设计座谈会的源代码 根据以下的原因,您无权限进行编辑这个页面操作: 您刚才请求的操作只有这个用户组中的用户才能使用: Diablowiki
We don’t get 1 non traditional gear slot to go with this set like an amulet, ring, bracer or belt? Such a slot would give a lot more functionality for the 2 piece to be used with other current sets. Many other classes have a set with an amulet or other non armor slot. That ...