Shroud of False Death 2.25% Shattered Vow 2.25% Uniques Fists of Fate (Gloves) All Classes Moderate Tassets of the Dawning Sky (Pants) Moderate Paingorger's Gauntlets (Gloves) Moderate Harmony of Ebewaka (Helm) Spiritborn High Scorn of the Earth (Boots) High Wound Drinker (Ring) High Ma...
Spiritborn Scorn of the Earth, Wound Drinker, Harmony of Ebewaka All classes Fists of Fate, Tassets of Dawning Sky, Paingorger's Gauntlets Diablo 4 Duriel loot table (Image credit: Blizzard) Duriel is one of the tougher bosses in Torment 1 or higher, but he has double the chance to dr...
Fists of Fate Gloves Your attacks randomly deal 1% to 200-300% of their normal damage. Any Frostburn Gloves Lucky Hit: Up to a 15-25% chance to freeze enemies for 2 seconds. Any Flickerstep Boots Each enemy you evade through reduces your active ultimate cooldown by 2-4 seconds, up to...
Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander Druid, Sorc Low Melted Heart of Selig All Low Andariel's Visage All Low Harlequin Crest All Low Tyreal's Might All Low Ring of Starless Skies All Low Uniques Frostburn (Gloves) Non-Class Specific Medium Mother's Embrace (Ring) Medium Fists of Fate (Gloves)...
Fists of Fate (recommended) increases overall damage by 50% with a perfect 300% value on the unique effect. Masterworking Priority: Attack Speed Paragon After Character Level 60, experience gains are applied to Paragon up to Level 300. A maximum of 228 Paragon Points can be obtained throug...
Fists of Fate (optional) is helpful for faster staggers against bosses to push higher Tiers of The Pit. The unique effect provides up to 50% increased damage, coming close to a perfectly rolled and crafted Grasp of Shadow. Masterworking Priority: Attack Speed or Critical Strike Chance Shro...
Frigid Fate Legendary Node Previous: Dealing Cold damage to Vulnerable enemies increases your Lucky Hit Chance by 1% [+] for 5 seconds up to 15%[+]. New: You deal bonus damage to Vulnerable enemies equal to x10% of the total amount of your Bonus Damage with Cold, up to a maximum of...
For example myuniques.yaml with fists_of_fate aspect defined would show as myuniques.fists_of_fate. The label for the filename can be configured at the aspect level using the profileAlias flag (see examples).Config Examples # Take only mythic uniques Uniques: - mythic: true#...
DiabloandDiablo 2were some of the first games to cement the 2.5D style as a favorite genre for them. It was a unique blend of RPG and action combat that quickly gained notoriety among gamers. The tales it told were macabre and apocalyptic, with the fate of the world known as Sanctuary ...
Fixed several instances where Fists of Fate was not properly adjusting damage with its power. Miscellaneous Fixed an issue where the tooltip for Armor was not green when the Armor cap was met. Fixed an issue where the Seaside Descent dungeon could not be completed when interacting with the Gate...