Sony Dualshock 4 Sony DualSense Wireless Controller (PS5) Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 Xbox Adaptive Controller Razer Kishi 8bitdo SN30 Pro Controller Q: How many adventurers may be in one clan and how many characters can my clan’s name consist of? Each clan may ...
From July 4, 3 a.m.–July 26, 3 a.m. server time, you must track down these portals, brave the bitter cold by entering them, and melt the frozen hearts of the invaders waiting within. A newfound power, Chill of the Frozen Throne, will be at your fingertips as you navigate the ...
Looking for the latest round of hotfixes and bug fixes implemented for Diablo Immortal? Checkherefor all-platform fixes—updated on Tuesdays. May your Runes be plentiful in this Age of Unmaking. -The Diablo Immortal Team Back to Top
Day #4, September 17: 1 Telluric Pearl Day #8, September 21: 1 bound Legendary Crest Simply log in to claim your specific rewards on the day they are active, starting at 3:00 a.m. server time. Back to Top Trial of the Hordes Unleashed Experienced you may be, but emerging victorious...
(X)S(X个孔,例如: 4s armor就是4孔盔甲) (X)pl/(X)ppl(X Player(X=1-8) X人的游戏,例如8ppl就是8人游戏) #(X)rune/rune(#(X))(第X号神符,X是数字) TT T_T ToT >_< T.T )_((哭) ^^ ^_^ ^v^ ^o^(笑) @@ @_@(晕~~~) ...
Stat Priority: Socket CHC CHD Weapon In-geom Shenlong's Fist of Legend Stat Priority: Dmg % Socket Offhand Echoing Fury Shenlong's Relentless Assault Stat Priority: CDR Dmg % Socket Legendary Gems Bane of the Trapped Bane of the Stricken Enforcer Kanai...
Retribution: Now hurls a fist of Holy power (changed from 'a fist of fire and lightning'); Now deals 270% weapon damage (down from350%); Damage is now Holy (changed from Lightning); Explosion at target now deals 435% weapon damage (up from150%); Explosion damage is now Holy (change...
+4随机魔法属性 神龙之魂 神龙的传说之拳 神龙的无情猛袭 (2) 套装: 当达到内力上限时,造成的所有伤害提高 200% ,但你不会再被动生成内力,并且每秒消耗 65 点内力直至你内力耗尽。 每拥有一点内力,你的内力生成技造成的伤害便提高 2%。 物品等级 70 耐久: 25–45 需要等级: 70 许多人都说神龙只是...
+4 隨機魔法屬性 神龍之魂 神龍的傳奇鐵拳 神龍的無情猛襲 (2) 套裝: 當精氣全滿時,你的所有傷害提高 200%,但不再被動產生精氣,並且每秒消耗 65 點精氣,直到耗盡為止 每擁有一點精氣可使精氣產生技能的傷害提高 2% 物品等級 70 耐久: 25–45 需要等級: 70 很多人都說神龍只是個虛構人物,但嚐過他拳...
On 4/25/2022 at 1:56 PM, Arcling said: This seems like a way to recover from some of that PR damage. Also gives them an opportunity to cash in on those hardcore PC players, who wouldn't play this on mobile. My concern is that like with WoW, devs are doing this not becaus...