D4 Season 3 Uber Duriel Boss Loot Table (Uniques & Drop Rates) Drops (Uniques & Cosmetic Rewards) Class Drop Rate Doombringer (Uber Unique Sword) Barb, Necro, Rogue Very Low The Grandfather (Uber Unique Two-Handed Sword) Barb, Necro Very Low Melted Heart of Selig (Uber Unique Amulet) ...
Previous - Frost Nova makes enemies Vulnerable for 4 seconds, increased to 6 seconds against Bosses. Now - Frost Nova makes enemies Vulnerable and increases the damage they take from you by 15%[x] for 4 seconds, increased to 8 seconds against Boss...
D4 Season 4 Uber Duriel Boss Loot Table (Uniques & Drop Rates) Drops (Uniques & Cosmetic Rewards) Class Drop Rate (Rarity) Mythic Uniques The Grandfather Barb, Necro Uber Rare Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander Druid, Sorc Uber Rare Melted Heart of Selig All Classes Uber Rare Andariel's...
Uber Lilith will now drop a Resplendent Spark the first time you kill her (Resplendent Sparks are incredibly rare materials that can be used to craft Uber Uniques). All ladder bosses now have a small chance to drop an Uber Unique; Andariel and Duriel will still have a higher chance, but...
Potion Drop Rate affix replaced with Damage Reduction. Fleshrender Damage While Shapeshifted Affix increased by 100%. Damage While Healthy Affix replaced with Core Skill Damage. The damage dealt to Poisoned enemies from Debilitating Roar and Blood Howl is now increased by x10% for each 100 Will...
Ice Blades' chance to apply Vulnerable is increased by 20%[+] and the Vulnerable duration is increased by 4 seconds. You gain 15–25%[x] Vulnerable Damage. Skills Ball Lightning Enhanced Ball Lightning changed to have its attack rate increase with attack speed, up to 2...
Ice Blades’ chance to apply Vulnerable is increased by 20%[+] and the Vulnerable duration is increased by 4 seconds. You gain 15–25%[x] Vulnerable Damage. Skills Ball Lightning Enhanced Ball Lightning changed to have its attack rate increase with attack speed, up to 25%. ...
She joins the boss ladder at the same tier as her brother Duriel, with the same Uber Unique drop rate. With a mix of Shadow, Fire, Lightning, and her iconic Poison attack, Andariel stands ready to face all who dare fathom to bring about her demise. Found east of Tasarak, in Hanged...
The Echo of Andariel joins the ladder in our Season 4 PTR, in the same bracket as her brother Duriel, with the same Uber Unique drop rate. With a mix of Shadow, Fire, Lightning, and her iconic Poison attack, Andariel stands ready to face all who dare fathom...
Duriel Tickets Up to 1000 tickets available Maximize your Mythic Unique drop chance Face-to-face ingame trading method From $0.35 Diablo 4: Solo leveling VS Group leveling Our Diablo 4 Leveling guide focuses on the most efficient ways to get to max lvl, so in this section, we are going...