One of the first classes announced for Diablo 4, Druids are able to harness earth and storm magic. If that's not enough for you, they can seamlessly shift into Werebear and Werewolf forms. Where Druids had devoted transformation skills in earlier Diablo games, transformations in Diablo 4 ar...
Druids, the master of earthen elements and the wilds are one of the tankiest glasses in Diablo 4. However, that tankiness goes to waste if you end up making a useless build because of a lack of knowledge about your class. Having a variety of skills at your disposal ranging from wild ...
The Hunter’s Zenith is the only Unique Accessory item for Druids in Diablo 4. This unique ring works by amplifying the Druid’s abilities whilst in the Werewolf and Werebear forms. You will gain a bonus for every kill you get whilst you are in these forms. The bonus you receive is ...
TheShredDruid dashes and rips into the foes of Sanctuary, every strike echoing the ferocity of a werewolf under the moonlit sky. This build excels at speed, mobility, and easy clear for farm content. Gather and destroy enemies with powerfulShredand cleave bursts of lightning with yourStormclaw...
Druids will shapeshift among werewolf, werebear, and human forms by using a skill from a particular form. The Sorceress, of course, brings hardcore spellcasting to the table. Rogues will work with a combo points mechanic to make their use of daggers and knives the most effective it can be...
Druid: Shapeshift your way through Sanctuary as a werewolf or a werebear while doling out magic alongside your spirit animal pets (they each grant you specific boons) to freak out everyone around you. Necromancer: You never have to travel alone as a speaker of the dead. Use your profane...
The second largest character type, physically, is the Druid. This is the first time we’ve seen them since their appearance in Diablo II, and they bring with them some vicious new abilities. Able to transform into a vicious werewolf or a massive lumbering bear, they can claw, bite, and ...
Druids are savage shapeshifters who fluidly transform between werewolf, werebear, and human forms to unleash a cataclysm of nature’s fury on the forces of the Burning Hells. Smarter, Deadlier, and More Diverse Monsters: Face a world inhabited by deadly monster “families” of disparate, yet...
Fixed an issue where the Insatiable Fury and Mad Wolf’s Glee items prevented Druids from transforming into the Werebear or Werewolf Forms. Fixed an issue where Spider Host enemies would remain upright after exploding and dying. Fixed an issue where equipment with socketed Gems couldn’t be ma...
DruidThe master of shapeshifting makes his triumphant return to Sanctuary! Seamlessly changing forms from human to Werebear to Werewolf, his command over earth and storm magic is second to none.Different skills utilize different forms, and entirely new skills like Cataclysm will annihilate hordes of...