Guess we can change the title to DF discussion thread lol... Hah, to get back on track I’ll say that last night a friend was having trouble with the capstone dungeon so I rolled back to WT2 from 3 on my 54 sorc and absolutely wrecked the place. It just adds to my confusion with...
and without it you cannot kill even the lowest trash mob. Nothing in D4 solves for fluidity in the early or mid game; no skills, augments, gems, point allocation, gear - until you finally get Tempest Roar at level 95, maybe. Until deep in paragons, or some build enabling...
elementalist tho…i haven’t found anyone REALLY deep diving into this and a bunch of snarky redditors were blasting people with the “wait - ALL paragon nodes meaning WHAT?” questionbuti had the exact same question LOL - why isn’t elementalist on the top of every list if it pimps ou...
it just feels as though the automatic response to boring itemisation is “ah, but it’s the uniques that’ll be full of personality and define builds” - and then we see a unique which is just as dull as everything else and it becomes “ah, obvious not THIS unique, it’s ...
As soon as a direction for the game was chosen, the art style that would be used came under discussion. Initially the game as a whole was set to be dark and gritty, but it was found that monsters blended in too well with the background.[21] Internally, the art style was a point ...
Originally posted by Blizzard (Diablo Subreddit) Are there any plans for an item that increases the raw amount of summons that the Necromancer can possess? I can’t say there isn’t; I’ve actually not seen the planned set of Legendary powers myself, as they aren’t fully implemented int...
The thread with ideas on alternatives to just scaling mobs health into the trillions was a great start, give us something to measure/strive for other than more damage, give us 3 or 4 builds even per class, some have more than 2, others dont...there's no balance at ...
Balance. D3 at launch was notorious for cookie cutter builds, which are indicative of poor balance. When you’re given the choice of ~150 skills and 75% of the population ends up with the same selection – you have a problem. Today, each class has 4-5 viable builds for max level (...
so the early d4 videos i had watched made me hopeful that we could get dark terrifying and gore combat like we did in d2. fast paced exciting and when you could teleport / open a door and BOOM that huge pack of champion …
Not to mention there’s no evidence on official forum or even reddit of the “player feedback” requiring to postpone S34 launch. Oh, and there’s now a free week of playing D4 of course. All of those result in quite a good indicator of why D3’s S34 was postponed: the money. ...