↑ 2017-02-17, DIABLO 4 Will Happen, According to Diablo 2 Lead Dev David Brevik (Interview). YouTube, accessed on 2017-04-08 ↑ 2017-11-05, DIABLO III: EXPLORING COMMUNITY. Blizzpro, accessed on 2017-19-11 ↑ 2018-09-19, Goldman Sachs expects OW expansion at Blizzcon. Reddit,...
游戏副总监Joe Piepiora 和总监Joe Shely,社区副总监Adam Fletcher 主持了这场直播。直播持续了接近一小时。 根据Reddit 论坛用户mariosunny 的总结,此次直播宣布的主要未来重点改动如下: · 法师和野蛮人将在「接下来几週内」获得强化; · 地狱狂潮和恶梦地下城的敌人密度会得到「大幅」增加; · 下一个更新中,将...
Diablo4泄露!演示长达40分钟 11月开启测试 2022-09-21 05:29:57 作者:老王 据Kotaku报道,网上出现了两段视频,据称是通过Reddit和ResetEra泄露的《暗黑破坏神4》的 "亲友团 "的片段。这些视频上有水印,上面写着。"Private Test Build 304286289",在较短的视频中,你可以听到扭曲的声音,是某个观看流媒体的人在...
【Diablo4泄露!演示长达40分钟,11月开启测试】据Kotaku报道,网上出现了两段视频,据称是通过Reddit和ResetEra泄露的《暗黑破坏神4》的 "亲友团 "的片段。这些视频上有水印,上面写着。"Private Test Build 304286289",在较短的视频中,你可以听到扭曲的声音,是某个观看流媒体的人在随机间隔内评论和对话的声音。可以...
and we have been saying this very thing on the forums and reddit for a while already u know what they gave us in a patch? +1 resource generated to all builder skills much wow 1 Like JeanFrancois-1217July 10, 2023, 9:58pm4 So this is what you people focus on reddit instead? Game ...
update blog for 2021. I hope you found it exciting and interesting. We are actively listening to your feedback, and we strive to make Diablo IV the dark, gothic game we all want to play. Please continue to share your thoughts and provide feedback on social media, Reddit, and our ...
“ProcessKiller” Version 1.0.0 (Details says 1.0)/ 2.0 (Whitelist.txt and the UI says 2.0) Provided ‘in’ Tronscript, Version 12.0.3 - reddit[DOT]com/r/TronScript , C:\Users\brand\Desktop\Tron v12.0.3 (2022-09-11)\tron\resources\stage_0_prep...
They found that this put the player at odds with the "player fantasy," where their narrative choices conflicted against the build they wanted to use. By extension, according to Cheng, the type of player who plays Diablo a lot tends to focus on builds, and a focus on dialogue trees would...
I read to try this on reddit because the D4 engine may be excessively scanning peripherals or something (I have a ton). I disabled this driver and it's a night and day difference. I went from stuttering on ultra textures every few seconds to completely gone. The game also leverages Dire...
and we have been saying this very thing on the forums and reddit for a while already u know what they gave us in a patch? +1 resource generated to all builder skills much wow 1 Like JeanFrancois-1217July 10, 2023, 9:58pm4 So this is what you people focus on reddit instead? Game ...