【暗黑4】ROB|GOBLIN EVENT STARTING TODAY Bonus Boss Mats Farming META 08:24 【暗黑4】ROB|HOW TO FARM TREASURE BAGS & GOBLINS - NEW AVARICE is INSANE Season 5 23:03 【暗黑4】ROB|BARB ACTUAL DPS BUILD! EZ T8 HORDE 1.400 Aether Solo Run 19:03 【暗黑4】Wudijo|Goblin Event is CRAZY...
Bonus Damage against Injured Bleeding DamageDruid Unique Items Björnfang's Tusks - Unique Gloves Cataclysm is now guaranteed to strike anything in range and you deal 40-80%[x] increased damage for the duration of the effect. While Cataclsym is active, you gain unlimited Spirit. L...
That certainly brings down the power level of the Spiritborn a bit, but Blizzard is compensating players by buffing many of the class' underused skills. Centipede enjoyers will enjoy the buffs to the The Devourer (which now deals more damage based ...
【暗黑4】ROB|GOBLIN EVENT STARTING TODAY Bonus Boss Mats Farming META 08:24 【暗黑4】ROB|HOW TO FARM TREASURE BAGS & GOBLINS - NEW AVARICE is INSANE Season 5 23:03 【暗黑4】ROB|BARB ACTUAL DPS BUILD! EZ T8 HORDE 1.400 Aether Solo Run 19:03 【暗黑4】Wudijo|Goblin Event is CRAZY...
Rimescar CavernMalnokAspect of Plunging DarknessNecromancerBone Prison spawns a pool of Blight that deals X% bonus damage over 6 seconds. Hoarfrost DemiseSeat of the HeavensBlood-bathed AspectNecromancerBlood Surge's nova echoes again after a short delay, dealing X% less damage. ...
Rank 10: If your damage-over-time effects exceed85% of the target’s total Life, the targetinstantly dies. Grow Casting an Ultimate Skill empowers your Servants, Minions, and Companions with dark magic, increasing their size and grantingX bonus damagefor 15 seconds. ...
Sometimes I think there should be an affix that allows a lucky-hit to have a 2nd stack of DoTs for a while (say up to 3 sec or sth like that), or maybe Summons/Conjurations deal bonus % damage for a while… Stuff like that But again, we played barely a scratch… All...
way the skills are, it just doesn’t feel like they will. There needs to be more “twigs” given to skills to customize them, especially basic attacks and your main resource spender, and those customization options should come with gameplay altering decisions, not just “+3% bonus damage”....
Aspect of The Aftershock Offensive Landslide’s earth pillars each strike a second time and deal an additional 5.5-15.5% bonus damage per hit. Random Drop While hunting for the random drop aspects listed, these dungeon-sourced Aspects are effective Aspects for the build, sorted by type: Aspect...
For the Rogue, Victimize’s explosion damage increases as the player builds their Vulnerable Damage Bonus stat. Our goal with these changes are two-fold: We’re aware that our damage bucket changes in a vacuum would result in lower player power. However, we’re balancing Monster power to co...