愛玩網 > 暗黑破壞神3 > 數據庫 > 護甲 > 珠寶 > 戒指 語言: 繁體 版本: v2.6.1 物品等級: 非遠古傳奇(ilvl70) 連環戒 手指 傳奇 戒指 主要屬性 3 魔法屬性(多樣化)之一 +(416-500) 力量 +(416-500) 敏捷 +(416-500) 智力 攻擊速度提高 (5.0-7.0)% 次要屬性 +(32-35)% ...
Winter #12201 英雄 冒險經歷 70 Winter 70 Winter 70 Winter 70 Winter 70 Winter 70 WinterArrow 70 scWinter 66 Winter 31 PuzzleRing 12 WinterCurse 1 Winter 70(621)級狩魔獵人 WinterArrow暗影之面 836 敏捷 黑羽 907 敏捷 暗影之踵 497 敏捷 絕頂騎兵 592 敏捷 暗影之擔 459...
70 Luthien 70 Odo 70 Silmarieni 70 Vespera 70 ZhangZiyi 1 PuzzleRing 70(1,377)級聖教軍 Odo英勇之冠 723 力量 英勇鎖子甲 574 力量 英勇護脛 475 力量 英勇護手 736 力量 阿克漢的肩鎧 420 力量 不懈護腕 183 力量 加斯提安的慈悲 2,164.4 秒傷 刀鋒磨帶 444 力量 儉約恩澤 ...
Fixed an issue that caused the Treasure Goblin spawned by the legacy Puzzle Ring to pick up Transmog items Fixed an issue that caused Girdle of Giants to increase the damage of all skills by the percentage it applied to Earthquake damage ...
Fixed an issue that caused the Treasure Goblin spawned by the legacy Puzzle Ring to pick up Transmog items Fixed an issue that caused Girdle of Giants to increase the damage of all skills by the percentage it applied to Earthquake damage ...
Transmuting a Puzzle Ring opens a portal to The Vault. 机械指环可以做一个哥布林秘境的传送门 Transmuting a Bovine Bardiche opens a portal to Not The Cow Level. 蛮牛砍刀可以做一个不是母牛关的传送门 Crafted items have no level requirement. ...
70 Luthien 70 Odo 70 Silmarieni 70 Vespera 70 ZhangZiyi 1 PuzzleRing 70(1,377)級狩魔獵人 Silmarieni反烏托邦護目鏡 881 敏捷 電鍍外衣 581 敏捷 老派復古靴 421 敏捷 氣動機械臂鎧 832 敏捷 機械化肩鎧 470 敏捷 深淵挖掘褲 476 敏捷 瓦吉卡臂甲 432 敏捷 楊的反曲弓 3,432.7 ...
3,515 體能 爆擊機率提高 39.5% +893 全元素抗性 技能 檢視技能模擬器 追噬箭 吞噬箭 掃射 迅影流轉 煙幕 特製隱幕 戰寵 惡狼戰寵 蓄勢待發 集中心智 復仇心切 黑暗之心 箭術專精 伏擊 窮追猛打 戰略優勢 屬性 力量 77 敏捷 14872 智力 77 體能 3662 傷害 9570040 堅韌 25629600...
Added: Puzzle Ring Added: Rechel's Ring of Larceny Added: Rondal's Locket PTR Bag of Fortune Added: 1 billion Gold Added: 3 of all Flawless Royal Gems Added: 3 of all Imperial Gems Added: 3 of all Hellfire Materials Added: 5 Greater Rift Keystone Patch 2.7.3 Items New: PTR Bag of...
Diablo 3 Forums What is the best way to farm gems?General Discussion limacsg71-1821 March 6, 2024, 5:49am 1 Run out of gems for upgrading. Other than puzzle ring and the vault, what is the best way to farm for gems? Visions or nephelam rift? mickeyknox-21261 March 6, 2024, ...