《Diablo 3 / 暗黑破壞神3》主機版的“跨平台”和“跨時代”轉移功能已為PlayStation和Xbox平台開啟。該轉移允許玩家將自己在PS3和Xbox 360中的《暗黑破壞神3》存檔數據,導入至PS4或Xbox One上的《終極邪惡版》中。 在PS3上進行《暗黑破壞神3》的玩家,想考慮在Xbox One上玩《終極邪惡版》?沒問題!...
3/22/2023 awesome 😎 bo peoblem came vrand new in the plastic Tiffany 5 out of 5 stars review 7/20/2020 Son loved it graphics were great too for it being on ps4 from it being a pc game spookiboo 5 out of 5 stars review ...
Seasonal and Non-Seasonal Playstion 4 (PS4), Playstion 5 (PS5) Diablo 3 Mods Xbox One (XB1), Xbox Series X, S and Switch Services. We also have Save Mods, Super Starter Mods. We will find, gather and deliver the best diablo 3 mods, gear, sets and modded
PlayStation Save Decrypters A collection of custom save-game decrypters and checksum fixers for PS3 & PS4. PS3 Decrypters Tools to decrypt specific PS3 save-games: cod-blackops-decrypter Call of Duty: Black Ops Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 diablo3-decrypter Diablo 3 dmc-decrypter DmC:...
Nice and SOLD. I’ll even not mind replaying the game from the beginning or not having the ability to transfer my PS3 or PS4 save files because you can blow through the campaign fairly quickly. That and Adventure Mode is where the real endless action lies and yes, I want to see what...
Diablo 3 PS3/360 Saves Can Transfer to PS4 or Xbox One -- Your Choice You can choose which of the new platforms to transfer your save to regardless of which last-gen console your save is on Jul 31, 2014 10:15am 274 Diablo 3 for Xbox One Could Hit 1080p Someday Thanks to Jun...
Diablo 3 Season 26 Kicks Off Today, Includes Brand-New Activity Season 26 also includes a second chance to get Season 14's cosmetics. Show me more Where to buy X360MACPS4PS3PCXONENS Diablo III $39.95 at Amazon GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. ...
We don’t want the persistent cheating modders and save wizard users. It seems Blizzard is incapable of the most basic functionality these days. Strix: So we will find the same bugs, which will most certainly not be corrected. Not necessarily. A bug on the Mac platform doesn’t necessarily...
《Diablo 2:Resurrected》将进行平衡性调整,以及漏洞的修复,如复制道具。尽管如此,能够延续自己原来培养的角色,并让他们在重制版中以新的方式重生无疑是很棒的。现在的问题是PC玩家是否可以将他们的save导入到主机版。 《Diablo 2:Resurrected》将于今年登陆XSX/S、Xbox One、PS4、PC和任天堂Switch。
时间流回到2000年3月15日,暴雪正式宣布暗黑破坏神2Beta将于北美时间3月20日上午12:01开始,连续23个小时开放在 Battle.net 上测试暗黑破坏神2玩家的在线申请。本次测试范围仅限于北美地区(在常见问题中暴雪提到此举主要是时差方面的考虑)。 右边就是这次测试所使用的光盘,能收到这张光盘的玩家可以说都是非常幸运...