The Immortal King Set Dungeon is arguably the easiest of the bunch for the class. You can use any of the IK-based builds provided here on Icy Veins to complete it, but our general recommendation is to use aHammer of the Ancients-based build as a common, recognizable and easy-to-play ...
Icy Veins provides detailed builds, guides, and news for Diablo 3 for all classes: barbarian, crusader, demon hunter, monk, necromancer, witch doctor, wizard.
22 Nights of Terror Holiday Event Returns to Diablo II: ResurrectedFrom December 12 through January 3, the 22 Nights of Terror holiday event will be available in Diablo II: Resurrected.Diablo II: ResurrectedDec 09, 2023at02:18byStaff
The Pit is a timed dungeon run that requires you to slay monsters and defeat a final boss as quickly as possible.Runs of The Pit occur at the obelisk structure in Cerrigar and require Runeshards to enter, an endgame resource earned from most World Tier 4 activities. Completing runs of th...
Level 2 is much less predictable, the stairs and waypoint could be near each other or not, but always found on the outer side of the dungeon. Radament the Fallen will be located in level 3, always on the outer side so do not burden yourself with searching out the middle of the ...
porcupines and yetis. The early D1 levels were set in a gloomy dungeon with undead lurking about in the grayness. Both games were pretty gruesome though. Blizzard is going to run into problems with D3 if they want to continue to go in that direction, as they would have to make zoomabl...
My barbarian is very tanky. For necro it seems that they might have made summoner builds playable with the heart that drains essence to buff minion damage + the one that reduces the effect of drains. Nevermind ... even with an 80% damage roll it's not that big a boost and the ...
the Dead events. These events can span from simply killing groups of enemies, clearing a Cellar or Side Dungeon, to killing bosses, and will randomly spawn around the world map. Whisper of the Dead events come in 3 sizes, which will reward you with 1, 3 and 5 Grim Favors, respectively...
like theDiablo 3Witchdoctor’s frogs and chicken spells, what is here is already very fun. Each class has a unique aspect to them, such as the Necromancers Book of the Dead that lets them choose abilities for their minions or buff themselves, or the Barbarian's ability to equip four tot...
After reaching Level 70, the easiest way to start gearing up and progressing towards the end-game is by using the set given by the Haedrig's Gifts. Haedrig's Gifts are cache-like rewards that drop 2 pieces of a fixed class-specific set after completing chapters II, III, and IV of th...