{{传说之锤 Legendary Mallet}} - |{{传说之锤 Legendary Mallet}} + {{食人魔之锤 Ogre Maul}} - |- + {{雷锤 Thunder Maul}} - |{{食人魔之锤 Ogre Maul}} + - |{{雷锤 Thunder Maul}} + - |} + {{暗黑破坏神2装备类型}}
分类:Diablo III Legendary Items 本分类包含暗黑破坏神3中的传说级物品 分类“Diablo III Legendary Items”的页面 本分类包含下列40个页面,共有40个页面。
with ploot, you’re upping the loot chances with a new algorithm as the likes in D3 which rains blues/green/legendary items from non-elite to elite mobs. Dev’s would have to carefully play around with a side by side RNG loot comparison within the Cow Realm where it’s...
Magic Items Rare Items Crafted Items(Diablo II) Craftable Items(Diablo III) Legendary Items(Diablo III) Set Items Unique Items Class-specific Items Miscellaneous Items List of Items List of Crafted Items List of Set Items List of Unique Items ...
In diablo 3, when the legendary and set items drops they attached on "smart loot". You can check every item's "smart loot" drops here. For example, if there's a helm that has 5% smart loot drop, that means the percentage of it drops for helms is 5%. Torment Only Hardcore Only Ba...
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (commonly abbreviated LoD or D2X short for Diablo 2 eXpansion) is an expansion pack for the popular Action Role-Playing game Diablo II. Unlike the original Diablos expansion pack (Diablo: Hellfire), it is an official expansion designed by Blizzard Entertainment. ...
Collecting them as you go – via “inscriptions” on legendary items – means you’ll always have options, but also limitations to work around, thus forcing you to potentially try out different combinations while you wait for the modifiers you particularly want to drop on items. I’ve ...
+(1582-1870)-(1932-2325)Damage +2Random Magic Properties Item Level: 80 Durability: 25-45 Requires Level: 70 Smart Loot In diablo 3, when the legendary and set items drops they attached on "smart loot". You can check every item's "smart loot" drops here. For example, if there's ...
Icy Veins provides detailed builds, guides, and news for Diablo 2 Resurrected for all classes: amazon, assassin, barbaria, druid, necromancer, paladin, sorceress.
Pursue the mysterious Dark Wanderer and fight the denizens of hell — monsters, heroes, items, spells, are all resurrected in remastered graphics. Legendary ARPG Diablo II: Resurrected includes all content from both Diablo II and its epic expansion Diablo II: Lord of Destruction®. ...