I got lucky and found +2 necro with teleport on an Amulet. Good luck hunting. I’m currently using bramble. I’m also debating on enigma. Off topic. How would you make this setup better? Act 2 Might Merc using Infinity. Necro using Beast and Bramble Iron Golem using Pride. ZMan-1113...
Socketing (with Act 5 Larzuk, Cube, or Ebug) - Normal drops = max 3* sockets (*Cows = 4 socket, Larzuk # sockets = ilvl ← mlvl ← alvl) nm drops = max 4 sockets (0 MF is best for finding bases) Hell drops = max 6 sockets Larzuk = max 1 socket to uniques, 1-6 ...
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Merc Gear (ACT 2 Nightmare Offesneive Mercenary) Weapon:ObedienceThresher Helm:Vampire Gazewith Cham Rune Armor: Fortitude Balrog Skin Top 3 - Blessed Hammer Paladin (Hammerdin) Build The Blessed Hammer Paladin aka Hammerdin is known as probably the best character or the most powerful...
Being main summoner necro, pretty sure that act 2 Might merc is the best choice. Take into account that your main source of damage is Corpse Explosion (which when maxed, covers almost the whole screen), not your summons themselves. Therefore, when you encounter a group of monsters, your ma...
New Diablo 2 Resurrection runewords: Plague, Pattern, many more coming New Diablo 2 Resurrection runewords include unreleased Plague and Pattern, as well as 'many more' coming with the Patch 2.4 update. Diablo 2: New runewords, set tweaks, merc buffs, and more coming soon ...
Typically, most choose the Act 2 Defensive Mercenary in Nightmare Difficulty (the "Holy Freeze Merc") or the Offensive version (the "Might Merc"), but the others have plenty of potential if geared properly. The Helmet and Armor are standard choices, the only thing that would vary are the ...
Diablo 2 Resurrected Best Runewords for Mercenary - Top 5 Powerful Merc Aura Runewords In this Diablo 2 Resurrected guide, we are taking a look at the Top 5D2R runewordsfor your mercenary - all of these runewords will include a powerful aura that will help to make you stronger...
In addition, we wanted to increase his Life and Defense scaling to ensure that he is the tougher mercenary type. By adding a new dual wielding Barbarian Mercenary, we hope to provide a powerful, fast-hitting merc that challenges the status-quo of common mercenary choice among players....
since there didn't seem any other reason to change those two merc names eight years after D2X was released. If there's some plot reason to use the names of two Act Five mercs in Diablo 3, Blizzard could easily have just used two existing merc names. That they changed the names in thi...