BP measurements in NHANES were performed 3-4 times manually with a mercury sphygmomanometer according to a standard protocol [18]; the first reading was excluded and remaining readings used to compute average BP. Hypertension was defined as an average BP >130 mmHg systolic or >80 mmHg diastolic...
I was tested and am pre-diabetic. We attended Diabetic classes and began to follow the ADA recommendations for the “plate method”. For me, I found the 180 ADA carbs per day to be too much food, too many times to eat and yo-yo BG readings so I began to tinker ...
Clinical parameters: The body condition score (BCS) was recorded upon admission using a previously described 9-point scoring system (World Small Animal Veterinary Association Global Nutrition Committee, BCS chart) [24]. The patient’s hydration status and body weight were assessed three and two time...
The bar chart indicates the PDR prevalence in patients (a) without using and (b) using TZD according to genotype of PSMD6. We also investigated the association of FTO (rs8050136) with obesity. Our results indicated a trend (p = 0.087) between DR and waist circumference under per-allele...