Exudative retinal detachment and choroidal detachment if too many laser shots are given in a single sitting Reduction of contrast sensitivity, peripheral vision, and night vision after pan-retinal photocoagulation Permanent scotomas in the visual field Worsening of preexisting macular edema or development ...
Mark Lauren’s book “You Are Your Own Gym,” and Mark Sisson’s free fitness ebook that also features bodyweight exercises. Lauren is or was a Navy Seal trainer. His plan involves 30 minutes of work on four days a week and uses minimal equipment. Lots of good reviews...
). Wouldn’t be much of a problem in most people, but a diabetic might want to check blood sugar 1-2 hours after consumption, at least once, to see what happens. There are so many brands
My tip is to make this flourless chocolate torte in a pie or cake pan (lined with parchment paper and greased well) and under-bake it just a touch. Let it cool and cut into individual servings to store in the freezer for ‘portion control’. When a craving strikes, take your little ...
This can also cause a problem for diabetics who use long acting insulin that lasts for 24 hours or 12 hours at a time, because shots canoverlapand severe insulin reactions can happen if timing is paid attention to. Equipment:Every diabetic has their favorite or preferred manufacturer. The fart...
For a deeper-dive into additive manufacturing, you can now subscribe to our Youtube channel, featuring discussion, de-briefs and shots of 3D printing in-action. Are you looking for a job in the additive manufacturing industry? Visit 3D Printing Jobs for a selection of roles in the in...
Some diabetic patients contribute the feeling of isolation with the responsibilities that come with their condition (i.e., diet restriction, checking blood glucose, insulin shots, etc.) [20]. Improving self-perception of loneliness is an important first step in preventing diabetes because pre...