metformin Call your local emergency number (911 in the US) for any of the following: You have a seizure. You begin to breathe fast or are short of breath. You become weak and confused. When should I seek immediate care? Your blood sugar level is over 240 mg/dLandyou have ketones in ...
If the diet results in major weight loss that lasts, we may see longer lifespan, less type 2 diabetes, less cancer, less heart disease, less high blood pressure, and less of the otherobesity-related medical conditions. Ketogenic diets are generally higher in protein, total fat, saturated fat...
it is likely that genetics played the largest role in your development of pre-diabetes. It would be important to note if any of the other risk factors above were also present. Given that testing was positive, you should repeat testing every year. If the testing had been negative,...